No images? Click here May 1, 2023Have a great summer, Cards!To better view this newsletter click on the "No
Images?" link in the upper right corner of this newsletter. Programs and events are open to all students regardless of race, color, Congratulations to the Class of 2023!Graduating is no small feat, congratulations on your success! The determination you’ve shown in completing your degree will serve you here and beyond. For those who’d also like to celebrate, the university-wide Commencement Ceremonies honoring degree candidates for Spring ‘23 will be held on Saturday, May 13 at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Not in town? The ceremony will also be livestreamed! Click here for more
information. Need help with your resume or job search?The University Career Center serves 9 of the 12 colleges/schools and can help you get where you are going. Career Coaches can help you create a plan for your future. You can also participate in career fairs, conduct mock interviews, view job listings, and more! UCC website. Time is running out, submit your FAFSAThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application form for the 2022-2023 aid year must be submitted by 11:59 pm (CT) on June 30, 2023. Check out the financial aid website for helpful tips for navigating the form. The 23-24 form is also now available.
What should you expect from an online course?You should experience regular and meaningful interactions with your instructor. If you feel your course lacks this, address it with your instructor. If they don’t address your concerns, follow UofL’s Student Complaint Procedure process to raise your concerns.
LEAD 256 - Technology in Our World Today course 100% onlineLearn and gain industry skills in this SB course (OPEN TO ALL MAJORS) prepares students to analyze the role of leadership in organizational technology initiatives by achieving micro-credentials and technology trophies, Save Time and Money with CLEP test-out programYou can graduate earlier and save tuition dollars by testing out of a few courses in Testing Services, in Davidson Hall. If you are a Freshmen, then there is no better time than now to take a CLEP test! If you are a Senior and need a few extra credits, contact us NOW —we can help you!!!
Did you know?The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports is the place to find workout videos. Visit their website at |