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SPHIS Student News - Summer 2019
Deborah Niyongabo presents at AcademyHealth annual research meeting 
Deborah Niyongabo, MPH, graduate research assistant and doctoral candidate in the Department of Health Management and Systems Sciences, as lead author, had a poster accepted for the main conference at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in June 2019. She presented on changes in hospitalization rates among children with rare genetic conditions, focusing on the time before and after many states expanded newborn screening to facilitate early detection of those disorders. Some of the key findings are that rates increased substantially but length-of-stay did not.
Jack Pfeiffer receives award at the Developmental Neurotoxicology Society annual meeting
Jack Pfeiffer, MS, doctoral candidate in Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, working under the direction of Dr. Lonnie Sears, presented a poster at the Developmental Neurotoxicolgy Society annual meeting in San Diego, CA, in June 2019 entitled, "Coal fly ash, aluminum, and short-term memory among children 6-14 years old." He was presented the 2019 Student Conference Award, sponsored by the Teratology Society, for his poster presentation.
Pictured left to right: Lonnie Sears, PhD -- Professor in the Weisskopf Center, Department of Pediatrics, UofL School of Medicine, Jack Pfeiffer; Diana Dow-Edwards, PhD, past president of DNTS (2017-18)
Jasmine Saunders receives $1,000 scholarship
First year MSHA student, Jasmine Saunders, received a $1,000 scholarship from the Kentucky Hospital Association Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
Pictured left to right: Lee Bewley, PhD, FACHE, Associate Professor and Director of SPHIS Health Management Programs, Jasmine Saunders, and Clint Kaho, President, Baptist-Lagrange and Kentucky ACHE.