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Students host Public Health Professionals Panels with SPHIS Alumni

The UofL Chapter of KPHA supports career development and professional growth among its student members. Student leadership convened two Public Health Professionals Panels during the 2017-18 academic year in support of this mission. Several SPHIS alumni participated in these panels and met with undergraduates and graduate students in public health. They discussed what led them to their current positions, including their educational backgrounds and volunteer experiences. These open forums were designed to show students the “faces of public health” and give students a deeper understanding of what career opportunities are available.

The first session was a lunchtime event on Oct. 24, 2017, on the Belknap Campus. The alumni panelists were:

-- Tania Condurache, MD, MSc, FAAP, Director of Global Health Education & Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the UofL School of Medicine. (MSc in Clinical Investigation Sciences, 2012)

-- Taylor Ingram, MPH, Health Program Analyst, Louisville Metro Department of Health & Wellness (Master of Public Health, 2013)

-- Priska Ndege, MPH, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Louisville Metro Department of Health & Wellness (Master of Public Health, 2014)

Two alumni panelists participated in the second panel held in the evening of Feb. 22 at the SPHIS building on HSC:

-- Caroline Chan, PhD, MPH, Environmental Scientist V, GIS & Data Analysis Section, Watershed Management Branch, Division of Water, Commonwealth of Kentucky (Master of Public Health, 2007; PhD in Public Health Sciences – Environmental Health, 2012)

-- Maryam Ahmed, MPH, Operations Coordinator, Office of Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods, Louisville Metro Government (Master of Public Health, 2014)

Below are a few insights that Caroline and Maryam shared with students on being a successful student and future public health leader:

-          Your journey is unique. Trust that you will end up where you are meant to be.
-          Network. Say yes as much as possible. Seek opportunities and meet new people.
-          Develop your skills and apply them to your passion.
-          Pay attention to detail and review your work. You get better through practice.

On behalf of the students, we want to thank our alumni for taking the time to come share their experiences and words of wisdom. We also want to recognize the three undergraduate students who organized these events. Brianna Rogers, KPHA President, is a senior and will be graduating this May. Gabrielle Farley, Vice President, is a sophomore and Aliyah Bailey, a junior, is KPHA Secretary.


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