Dr. Heberle is an associate professor in sociology and is also the Director of the Environmental Finance Center and Director of the Center for Environmental Policy and Management. She is the recipient of several grants from EPA, HUD and CDC to provide technical assistance to communities in the areas of Brownfields Redevelopment, Sustainable Community Planning, and Safe Urban Gardening. She currently teaches environmental and social policy courses. Her expertise is in community participation in environmental decision making. Her areas of research include urban redevelopment, environmental policy, environmental justice, and sustainable development. She serves as a member of, or expert witness to, a variety of local and federal task forces and committees.
Research Areas
Urban Sociology
Environmental Sociology
Teaching Areas
SOC 305 Urban Sociology
SOC 315 Environmental Sociology
SOC 640 Urban Sociology
SOC 645 Environmental Sustainability and Social Change
SOC 655 Social Problems
SOC 740 Social Policy