(set: $c to (align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXX=")+(transition-depart: "dissolve")+(transition-time:2s) )
(enchant: ?Link, (color: gray) )
(set: $fadeIn to (transition: "dissolve") )
(set: $scaryFont to (font:"Courier Prime") )
(set: $slowFadeIn to (t8n-arrive: "dissolve")+(t8n-time:5s) )
(set: $name to "`[Your Name]`")
(set: $companyName to "`[Company Name]`")
(set: $stalkerName to "Rando Seeking")
(set: $farawayTownName to "`[Faraway Town]`")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "`[job title]`")
(set: $canReadJapanese to "N")
(set: $cityName to "Auckland")
(set: $countryName to "New Zealand")
(set: $workPlaceName to "taxidermy studio")
(set: $location to "default")
(set: $setInitialTimeVars to (macro: [
(set: $currentDate to (current-date:))
(set: $currentTime to (current-time:))
(if: $currentDate's length is 15 and $currentTime's length >= 7)[
(set: $yr to (num: (substring: $currentDate, $currentDate's length - 3, $currentDate's length)))
(set: $mth to (substring: $currentDate, 5, 7))
(set: $mthDay to (monthday: ))
(set: $currentTimeArray to (split: ":", $currentTime) )
(set: _twelveHoursHours to (num: $currentTimeArray's 1st) )
(set: $lastTimeArray to (split: " ", $currentTimeArray's 2nd) )
(set: $mins to (num: $lastTimeArray's 1st))
(set: $ampm to $lastTimeArray's 2nd)
(set: $hrs to ($convertAMPMto24Hr: _twelveHoursHours, ))
(output-data: true)
(set: $yr to 2023)
(set: $mth to "May")
(set: $mthDay to 1)
(set: $hrs to 16)
(set: $mins to 28)
(set: $ampm to "PM")
(output-data: false)
]) )
(set: $setVarsForTest to (macro: num-type _yr, num-type _mthDay, num-type _hrs, num-type _mins, [
(set: $yr to _yr)
(set: $mth to "May")
(set: $mthDay to _mthDay)
(set: $hrs to _hrs)
(set: $mins to _mins)
(set: $ampm to "PM")
(output-data: false)
]) )
(set: $convertMonthStrToNum to (macro: [
(if: $mth is "Jan")[
(output-data: 1)
](else-if: $mth is "Feb")[
(output-data: 2)
](else-if: $mth is "Mar")[
(output-data: 3)
](else-if: $mth is "Apr")[
(output-data: 4)
](else-if: $mth is "May")[
(output-data: 5)
](else-if: $mth is "Jun")[
(output-data: 6)
](else-if: $mth is "Jul")[
(output-data: 7)
](else-if: $mth is "Aug")[
(output-data: 8)
](else-if: $mth is "Sep")[
(output-data: 9)
](else-if: $mth is "Oct")[
(output-data: 10)
](else-if: $mth is "Nov")[
(output-data: 11)
](else-if: $mth is "Dec")[
(output-data: 12)
](else: )[
(output-data: 0)
(set: $convertMonthNumToStr to (macro: num-type _mthNum, [
(if: _mthNum is 1)[
(output-data: "Jan")
](else-if: _mthNum is 2)[
(output-data: "Feb")
](else-if: _mthNum is 3)[
(output-data: "Mar")
](else-if: _mthNum is 4)[
(output-data: "Apr")
](else-if: _mthNum is 5)[
(output-data: "May")
](else-if: _mthNum is 6)[
(output-data: "Jun")
](else-if: _mthNum is 7)[
(output-data: "Jul")
](else-if: _mthNum is 8)[
(output-data: "Aug")
](else-if: _mthNum is 9)[
(output-data: "Sep")
](else-if: _mthNum is 10)[
(output-data: "Oct")
](else-if: _mthNum is 11)[
(output-data: "Nov")
](else-if: _mthNum is 12)[
(output-data: "Dec")
(output-data: "NaN")
(set: $convertAMPMto24Hr to (macro: num-type _twelveHrHrs, [
(set: _twentyFourHourHours to 0)
(if: _twelveHrHrs is 12)[
(if: $ampm is "PM")[
(set: _twentyFourHourHours to _twelveHrHrs)
](else-if: $ampm is "AM")[
(set: _twentyFourHourHours to 0)
](else-if: _twelveHrHrs < 12 and $ampm is "PM")[
(set: _twentyFourHourHours to _twelveHrHrs + 12)
](else-if: _twelveHrHrs < 12 and $ampm is "AM")[
(set: _twentyFourHourHours to _twelveHrHrs)
](else: ) [
(output-data: -1)
(output-data: _twentyFourHourHours )
(set: $convert24HrtoAMPM to (macro: num-type _twentyFourHourHours, [
(set: _twelveFourHourHours to 0)
(if: _twentyFourHourHours is 0)[
(set: _twelveFourHourHours to 12)
(set: $ampm to "AM")
](else-if: _twentyFourHourHours is 12)[
(set: _twelveFourHourHours to 12)
(set: $ampm to "PM")
](else-if: _twentyFourHourHours > 12 )[
(set: $ampm to "PM")
(set: _twelveFourHourHours to _twentyFourHourHours % 12)
](else-if: _twentyFourHourHours < 12 ) [
(set: $ampm to "AM")
(set: _twelveFourHourHours to _twentyFourHourHours % 12)
](else:) [
(print: "Error converting 24 hr to AMPM")
(output-data: _twelveFourHourHours)
(set: $incrementMonthBy to (macro: num-type _incMth, [
(set: _newMonthNum to 0)
(set: _newMonthNum to ($convertMonthStrToNum: ) + _incMth)
(if: _newMonthNum > 12)[
(set: _newMonthNum to _newMonthNum - 12)
(set: $yr to $yr + 1)
(output-data: ($convertMonthNumToStr: _newMonthNum) )
(set: $incrementAndPrintHourMinVars to (macro: num-type _incHrs, num-type _incMins, [
(set: _incMthDay to 0)
(set: _incYr to 0)
(if: _incMins > 0)[
(set: _totalMin to $mins + _incMins)
(set: $mins to _totalMin % 60)
(set: _incHrs to _incHrs + (floor: (_totalMin / 60)) )
(if: $mins < 10)[
(set: $minsStr to "0" + (str: $mins) )
(set: $minsStr to (str: $mins))
(set: _totalHours to $hrs + _incHrs)
(set: $hrs to _totalHours % 24)
(set: _incMthDay to _incMthDay + (floor: (_totalHours / 24)) )
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay + _incMthDay)
(if: $mthDay > 31)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 31)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
](else-if: $mth is "Feb" and $mthDay > 29)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 28)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
](else-if: $mth is "Sep" or "Apr" or "Jun" or "Nov" and $mthDay > 30)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 30)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
(set: $yr to $yr + _incYr)
(set: _twelveHourStr to (str: ($convert24HrtoAMPM: $hrs)))
(output-data: "<p>" + _twelveHourStr + ":" + $minsStr + " " + $ampm + "</p>")
]) )
(set: $incrementAndPrintTimeVars to (macro: num-type _incYr, num-type _incMthDay, num-type _incHrs, num-type _incMins, [
(if: _incMins > 0)[
(set: _totalMin to $mins + _incMins)
(set: $mins to _totalMin % 60)
(set: _incHrs to _incHrs + (floor: (_totalMin / 60)) )
(if: $mins < 10)[
(set: $minsStr to "0" + (str: $mins) )
(set: $minsStr to (str: $mins))
(if: _incHrs > 0)[
(set: _totalHours to $hrs + _incHrs)
(set: $hrs to _totalHours % 24)
(set: _incMthDay to _incMthDay + (floor: (_totalHours / 24)) )
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay + _incMthDay)
(if: $mthDay > 31)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 31)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
](else-if: $mth is "Feb" and $mthDay > 29)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 28)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
](else-if: $mth is "Sep" or "Apr" or "Jun" or "Nov" and $mthDay > 30)[
(set: $mthDay to $mthDay - 30)
(set: $mth to ($incrementMonthBy: 1) )
(set: $yr to $yr + _incYr)
(set: _twelveHourStr to (str: ($convert24HrtoAMPM: $hrs)))
(output-data: (str: $mthDay) + " " + $mth + ", " + (str: $yr) + "<p>" + _twelveHourStr + ":" + $minsStr + " " + $ampm + "</p>")
]) )
(checkbox-fullscreen: "Fullscreen mode")
###$c[Social Media User]
#####$c[[Adjust story settings|Adjust story settings]]
######$c[[Continue with default settings|Hello]]
######(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXX=")+(text-color: "red")+(t8n: "rumble")+(t8n-time: 2.5s)[*Use desktop as story is not optimized for mobile.
Click on links to proceed through story.]
($setInitialTimeVars: )
<!-- ($setVarsForTest: 2024, 31, 12, 34) -->
(set: $superSlowFadeIn to (t8n-arrive: "dissolve")+(t8n-time:10s) )
(set: $fadeIn to (transition: "dissolve") )
(if: $location is "New Zealand")[
(set: $countryName to "NZ")
(set: $cityName to "Auckland")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Whitianga")
(set: $name to "Olivia")
(set: $companyName to "Lavender Modelling Agency")
(set: $stalkerName to "Silas Skelton")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "writer of autofiction")
(set: $workPlaceName to "pie shop")
] (else-if: $location is "Australia")[
(set: $countryName to "Australia")
(set: $cityName to "Melbourne")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Dargo")
(set: $name to "Sharon")
(set: $companyName to "Fuchsia Talent Agency")
(set: $stalkerName to "Kendrew Gaige")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "scarification artist")
(set: $workPlaceName to "pub")
] (else-if: $location is "Surprise me")[
(set: $countryName to "Antarctica")
(set: $cityName to "Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Scott Base")
(set: $name to "Anna")
(set: $companyName to "Team 5")
(set: $stalkerName to "Bo Wynters")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "cheeky penguin counter")
(set: $workPlaceName to "laboratory")
] (else-if: $location is "Africa")[
(set: $countryName to "Ghana")
(set: $cityName to "Accra")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Navrongo")
(set: $name to "Esther")
(set: $companyName to "Soro Airlines")
(set: $stalkerName to "Frank Arthur")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "environmental accountant")
(set: $workPlaceName to "solar power station")
](else-if: $location is "North America")[
(set: $countryName to "the US")
(set: $cityName to "Louisville")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Gardena")
(set: $name to "Emma")
(set: $companyName to "community arts center")
(set: $stalkerName to "Shank Hall")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "sales rockstar")
(set: $workPlaceName to "casino")
](else-if: $location is "South America")[
(set: $countryName to "Argentina")
(set: $cityName to "Buenos Aires")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Ushuaia")
(set: $name to "Isabella")
(set: $companyName to "Cantantes Talent Agency")
(set: $stalkerName to "Acquiles Rey")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "machine optimizer")
(set: $workPlaceName to "museum")
](else-if: $location is "Europe")[
(set: $countryName to "Germany")
(set: $cityName to "Berlin")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Bad Wimpfen")
(set: $name to "Anja")
(set: $companyName to "Zufällig GmbH")
(set: $stalkerName to "Alfo Jäger")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "chief biscuit dunker")
(set: $workPlaceName to "spa hotel")
](else-if: $location is "United Kingdom")[
(set: $countryName to "the UK")
(set: $cityName to "London")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Inverie")
(set: $name to "Cat")
(set: $companyName to "Hoxton Candles")
(set: $stalkerName to "Crowley Mabuz")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "digital boat builder")
(set: $workPlaceName to "pub")
](else-if: $location is "default")[
(set: $name to "`[Your Name]`")
(set: $companyName to "`[Company Name]`")
(set: $stalkerName to "Rando Seeking")
(set: $farawayTownName to "`[Faraway Town]`")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "`[job title]`")
(set: $canReadJapanese to "N")
(set: $cityName to "`[Your City]`")
(set: $countryName to "`[Country Name]`")
(set: $workPlaceName to "taxidermy studio")
](else-if: $location is "Asia")[
(set: $countryName to "China")
(set: $cityName to "Beijing")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Kunming")
(set: $name to "Naomi")
(set: $companyName to "international school")
(set: $stalkerName to "Bram Hocus")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "happiness engineer")
(set: $workPlaceName to "temple")
](else: )[
(set: $countryName to "Aotearoa")
(set: $cityName to "Hamilton")
(set: $farawayTownName to "Rakiura")
(set: $name to "Grace")
(set: $companyName to "Kirikiriroa Talent")
(set: $stalkerName to "Banquo Thane")
(set: $stalkerJobName to "digital overlord")
(set: $workPlaceName to "waxing salon")
|table>[ \
|col1row1>[<p>($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 0, )</p>How do you do, $name? My name is $stalkerName. You are working in $companyName. I work $stalkerJobName in $farawayTownName.]
|col2row2>[$superSlowFadeIn[How do you do. |links>[ \
(link: "<p>Why is your name different to your profile name?</p>")
[(replace: ?links)[I don't understand, why is your name different to your profile name? Thanks.]] \
(link: "<p>I don’t understand your job...?</p>")
[(replace: ?links)[I don’t understand your job...? Thanks.]] \
(link: "<p>Have we met?</p>")
[(replace: ?links)[Have we met? Thanks.]] \
] \
}$fadeIn[Where would you like the story to be set?]
(dropdown: bind $location, "Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "North America", "South America", "United Kingdom", "New Zealand", "Australia", "Surprise me")
[Can you read Japanese? (Y/N)]
(input: bind $canReadJapanese, "X==", "N")
(text-style: "italic")+(css: "font-size: 70%;")[*If you choose N, Japanese text will be auto-translated after a short time delay]
(set: _target to "In Japanese is OK. I don’t understand!")
|col1row1>[<p>($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 1, )</p>May I become your friend?]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[Please answer my question. [日本語でもOKですけど。わかりません! ]<txt|(link: "Translate")[(text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target|
#####(align:"==><=")+(box:"=X")[[Shall We<-Next]]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "Shall we meet one time?")
(set: _target to "Why? Aren’t you in $farawayTownName? Sorry, but if I don’t know you at all, I think it’s better not to friend you on social media.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 10, )[<p>一回会いませんか。</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>どうして?$farawayTownNameでしょう?すいませんが、もし全然知らない人でしたら、ソーシャル・メディアでフレンドにならない方がいいと思いますね。</p>]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[I wanted to<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I wanted to be your friend, but can I?")
(set: _target to "Sorry, have we met in person?")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 38, )[<p>友達になりたかったんですが無理ですか。</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>すいませんが、会ったことありますか?</p>]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[We havent<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "We haven’t met in person. We can’t be friends, can we. All I know is from seeing you on TV.")
(set: _target to "It’s not usually a good idea… Sorry. If we met in person, then maybe we could be friends :) I see… I’m flattered")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 3, 9, 18, )[<p>会ったことないです。無理ですね。テレビに出てたことしか知りません。</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>普通は勧められない~ ごめんなさい。ね、会うことができたら、友達になりましょう^^
なるほど~I’m flattered </p>]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Quite funny<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "It was quite funny. And you must be a good singer.")
(set: _target to "Thank you :)")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 3, 8, )[<p>結構面白かったです。歌もうまそうですね。</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate.")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[Click inside box to enter a reply: (force-input-box: "=XX", "ありがとう^^")]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Want meet<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I want to meet you one time in $farawayTownName, but would that work? I want to go to $cityName, but I can’t because I can’t afford it.
I want to meet you, but I can’t, you know. Too far away.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 8, 52, )[$farawayTownNameで一度会いたいですけど、無理ですか。$cityNameまで行きたいのですが、お金がないので、行けません。<p>(live: 2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 2, )会いたいけど、無理だね。遠いもんね。 (stop:)]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Great Japanese<-Next]]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "Your Japanese is great. Who is your favourite Japanese singer? You really must be a good singer.
Please come to $farawayTownName. I’ll treat you.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 6, 45, )[日本語うまいですね。日本人の歌手で一番好きな人誰ですか。本当に歌うまそうですね。<p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 3, ) $farawayTownNameに来てください。おごります。]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I want to meet you")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 3, 26, )[<p>会いたい</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(font: "Eater")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Eater")+(text-color: "black")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Work is busy<-Next]]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I want to meet you and be your friend. I can meet you anytime. Whenever suits you. I could meet from 1 pm for 45 minutes. Work is busy.
When I was in Japan, I worked at a $workPlaceName. There is a $workPlaceName here. Do you like [$workPlaceName]s?")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 4, 17, )[会って友達になりたいです。僕は、いつでも会えます。そっちの都合でいいです。PM1:00から45分位会えますね。仕事が忙しいですね。 <p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 7, )日本にいる時、$workPlaceNameに勤めてました。この街で$workPlaceNameがあります。$workPlaceName好きですか。 ]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[English covo<-Next]]
(set: $shudderIn to (transition: "shudder")+(t8n-delay:1s) )
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I’d like to take a contact to you. I'm looking for an English conversation friend.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 1, 3, 43, )[<p>I’d like to take a contact to you. I looking for a English coversation friend.</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(font: "Eater")+(t8n: "flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 3s) [
$shudderIn+(replace:?col2row2)[Please stop sending me messages. I don’t know you, and I don’t want to get to know you. If you don’t stop contacting me, I will have to report you to the police. (text-style: "italic")[Yamete kudasai. Yamenai to, keisatsu ni houkoku suru kara. ]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Keeps attempt<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Eater")+(text-color: "black")[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "`*keeps attempting contact, making new profiles, keeps attempting contact for days on end, keeps attempting contact by friending `$name`'s friends, keeps attempting contact by messaging `$name`'s family, keeps attempting contact by joining groups `$name` is in, keeps attempting contact by phoning early in the morning, late at night, random times during the day, by email, by text message, by...*`")
(set: _target to "PLEASE STOP CONTACTING ME!")
|col1row1>[[<p>`*keeps attempting contact via every possible medium*`</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]\
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>Please stop contacting me.</p> ]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[You still won't<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "You still won’t meet me, will you.")
(set: _target to "Leave me alone. Please.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 24, 5, 38, )[<p>まだ、会えないの。</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate.")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>Sorry, I don’t know you, I’m busy, and I have a lot of friends to talk to. All the best with your stay in $countryName and take care</p> ]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "outline")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "Seriously, please meet me. Because I want to be friends
Please be my friend. Please come to $farawayTownName.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 8, 9, )[絶対に会ってください。友達になりたいので <p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 2, )友達になってください。$farawayTownNameに来て下さい。 ]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Please be<-Next]]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "Please be my friend.
I want to meet you, but is that okay?
Won’t you be my friend?")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 6, 53, )[友達になってください。 <p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 1, )会いたいですけど、いいんでしょうか。] </p><p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:3s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 2, )友達になってくれないのですか。]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[You ignoring?<-Next]]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "I’m messaging you, but you’re not sending any reply back, are you ignoring me?")
(set: _target to "Sorry. You send too many messages, it’s scary.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 7, 22, )[<p>送ってるのに何にも反応がないので、無視されてるんでしょうか。</p> ]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 3s) [
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[[<p>ごめんなさい。メールしすぎて、こわかったんです。</p> ]<txt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "bold")+(replace:?txt)[_target] ]<Target| ]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Were you scared<-Next]]
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(live: 5s)[
(replace:?txt)+(text-style: "bold")+$fadeIn[_target]
(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "black")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "Were you scared? I’m sorry. I won’t do that anymore. I’m humbly begging you, would you consider becoming my friend?
You must be so good at singing.")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 3, )[怖かったんですか。すみませんでした。 これ以上しません。友達になっていただけませんでしょうか。 <p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 6, )歌うまそうですね。 ]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (text-style: "smear")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 5s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "white")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Come on<-Next]]
(set: _stalkerTarget to "COME ON PLEASE
Do you have any kind of religious belief?")
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 0, 0, 7, )[Come on please <p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[($incrementAndPrintHourMinVars: 0, 2, )何か宗教入っていますか。 ]</p>]<stalkerTxt|(link: "Translate")[ (t8n: "fade")+(replace:?stalkerTxt)[_stalkerTarget] ]<Target|]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "blink")[|]]]
(live: 4s)[(stop:)
(if: $canReadJapanese is "N")[(replace:?stalkerTxt)+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: "white")+$fadeIn[_stalkerTarget]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Friend requests<-Next]]
|col1row1>[`*friend requests with multiple accounts on all social media platforms, calls phone number non-stop, sends twenty or thirty text messages a day, leaves long, rambling phone messages*` ]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 3s)[$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[`*blocks and reports all accounts, but messages keep coming*`]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[I'm coming to<-Next]]
|col1row1>[($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 0, 25, 4, 11, ) (text-style: "smear")+(css: "font-size: 175%;")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[I’m coming to $cityName. See you soon.]]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 2s)[$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[(text-style: "fade-in-out")+(css: "font-size: 75%;")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[<p>`*scared to go outside*`</p>]]
#####(align:"===>")+(box:"=X")[[Years later<-Next]]
}($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 3, 28, 10, 42, )
Years later…
(text-style: "italic")+(css: "font-size: 70%;")[*To skip the slow typewriter effect and render all text, click ](link: "here")[(set: $typewriterPos to $typewriterText's length) (t8n: "fade")+(replace:?typewriterOutput)[$typewriterText] ]<Target|
(set: $otherText to "test purposes jdhjfdhkjdsfhkjdsfhkjdshfkjdshjkfdshjkfd")
(set: $typewriterText to "あなたの夢をみました。何か意味があるはずです。樹海から、あなたが走り去ってゆくのが見えました。まるで、口内に舌がおさまるように、あなたの赤いドレスが樹木に飲み込まれる様子が遠くにちらりと見えました。僕は精一杯の速さであなたを追いかけました。僕だけがあなたを救い出せる人間だってわかっているから。でも、あなたは消えてしまいました。I had a dream about you. It must mean something. I saw you running away into the Sea of Trees——the faraway flicker of your red dress swallowed up by the tree trunks like a tongue into a mouth——and I followed as fast as I could. I knew I was the only one who could save you. But you had disappeared. 最後にあなたを見かけた場所まで走り続けたはずが、通り過ぎてしまっていました。おそらく、あなたは見えないトンネルのなかへ落ち、ケガをしているのでは、と僕は思ったのです。背中を打った衝撃で、叫ぶこともできないでいるのでは、と。僕はあなたが横たわる場所にたどり着いていたのに、二人ともそのことに気づかずにいたのです。I kept running to the point where I’d last seen you and then past it. I had the feeling that you’d fallen down a hidden tunnel, hurt yourself; winded, couldn’t scream. That maybe I’d run right by where you lay and neither of us knew. あたりは暗くなりはじめていました。必死に見回したけれど辺り一面、木々しかなかったのです。僕はひとりぼっちでした。雨も降り始めました。呼んでも呼んでも、返事はなく。It was getting darker. I looked around wildly. In all directions, nothing but trees. I was alone. It started to rain. I called and called: no answer. 大切なあなたの身体が、冷たい泥まみれの地下で貝殻のように繊細な耳もブロンドの髪も、木の根や枝々にからまってしまった状態であなたは横たわっているように思えました。あなたが髪を染めているのは知っています、別にいいじゃない。隠さなくていいからね。どうか友達になってください。I thought about your precious body lying in the cold dirt underground; ears like shells, blonde hair tangled with roots and branches. I know you dye your hair and that’s okay. You don’t have to hide. Please be my friend. ")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
<!-- (display: "Typewriter")-->
<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText string -->
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- |typewriterOutput>[] -->
<!-- Set a delay of 20ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 40ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:2s)[(text-style: "italic")+(css: "font-size: 80%;")[<p>`*never replies*`</p>]
#####(align:"==><=")+(box:"=X")[[No longer exists<-Next]]]
|col1row1>[(text-style: "smear")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[|typewriterOutput>[]]]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[|]]]
|col1row1>[<p>($incrementAndPrintTimeVars: 1, 13, 8, 3, )</p>(text-style: "smear")+(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[(this user no longer exists)]]
|col2row2>[(text-style: "fade-in-out")[...]]]
(live: 3s)[(stop:)$fadeIn+(replace:?col2row2)[(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:1s)[<br/><p>(this user still exists)</p>]
<p>(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:4s)+(css: "font-size: 75%;")[the end]</p>
(t8n: "fade")+(t8n-delay:5s)+(css: "font-size: 75%;")[
<p>(link: "Visit my website")[(open-url: "https://www.sharniwilson.com")]</p>
<p>(link: "Buy me a coffee?")[(open-url: "https://ko-fi.com/sharniw")]</p>
<p>(link: "Back to Miracle Monocle")[(goto-url: 'https://louisville.edu/miraclemonocle/currentissue')]</p>