TSTAR and LGBT Center Partner to Expand Services to Students

A new collaboration between the LGBT Center at the University of Louisville and the local organization Trans Sexuality Teaching, Advocacy, and Research (TSTAR) will expand services, resources, and support for students, faculty, and staff who hold marginalized gender identities and/or expressions. The two organizations recently drafted a partnership agreement that will make the expertise and resources of TSTAR even more accessible to students regularly served by the LGBT Center and extend the reach of both groups. 

TSTAR (previously T*Star Lab) was originally established as a research lab in 2012 by Dr. Stephanie Budge and a team of doctoral students in the Department of Counseling and Human Development who were researching gender identity and expression within the broad context of mental health care and psychology. TSTAR's mission includes:

  • Teaching organizations and institutions about gender and sexual diversity through tailored professional development training
  • Advocating for gender and sexual minorities
  • Conducting research to promote a richer and more inclusive understanding of gender and sexuality in academia and among mental health professinoals

Some of the projects TSTAR will oversee as part of the agreement include facilitating Transformations, a peer-led support group for students exploring gender identity and/or expression; training for university departments and other U of L faculty and staff on how to support and advocate for transgender students and others; consulting on university policies and procedures; and assisting the School of Medicine's standardized patient program in developing inclusive scenarios for medical students who are learning to care for patients.

"It's an opportunity to help the LGBT Center reach more students and have a greater impact for the trans community at UofL," said Jayden Thai of the lab. "We are committed to serving as many members of the community as possible. This partnership with the LGBT Center will help the center do more to serve their students."

Stacie Steinbock, director of the LGBT Center's Health Sciences satellite office agrees. "We are doing some exciting things to improve health services and patient care for transgender people in Louisville, not to mention the Center's work with students and campus services. The chance to work hand in hand with the lab is invaluable."

For more information on the collaboration or to learn about services for transgender students, contact the LGBT Center at lgbt@louisville.edu

LGBT Center - Belknap

Cultural & Equity Success Center

120 E. Brandeis Ave.

University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-0696

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M-F 9am-5pm

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M-F 9am-5pm

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LGBT Center - HSC

500 S. Preston St.

A Building, Room 209C/D

Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Phone:(502) 852-5861