Supervisor Resources

Managers and supervisors will need to be mindful of many potential changes with newly non-exempt employees. Considerations need to be made in regards to managing overtime and departmental budgets, new timesheet procedures for impacted employees and potential scheduling adjustments.

For detailed guidance, please refer to the 2016 FLSA Changes Supervisor Toolkit.

Manager and Supervisor Training

During this transition, there may be procedures and policies new to you as a supervisor of a non-exempt employee. If you are not already managing non-exempt staff, you will need to become familiar with your department's practices for approving timekeeping forms, allowing overtime and tracking work activities in off-hours, such as evenings, weekends and lunch breaks.

Human Resources will be hosting training sessions in October to help supervisors of non-exempt employees understand what to expect. You are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions, if possible.

Dates and times will be posted soon.

Helpful Links:

Link to the Training for Supervisors of New Non-Exempt Employees