ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges to the Future Transitional Care Program Your New Rights & Responsibilities bridges.jpg Children$!27s+Hospital+Foundation.jpg MagnetRecognitionLogoCMYKSMALL.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Important Information bridges.jpg •The information in this presentation is offered to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. •Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment, dietary change or exercise program, or with any questions regarding medical conditions or information in this workshop. •While Norton Healthcare, Inc., has attempted to ensure the accuracy of this information, it makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information reported. ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Important Information bridges.jpg •Norton Healthcare, Inc. assumes no legal liability or responsibility for any errors, omissions or damage resulting from the use of information in this presentation. • This information does not offer any guarantee regarding services that Norton Healthcare, Inc., provides patients. •Links to other sites and references to other organizations do not imply an endorsement by Norton Healthcare, Inc., which does not have responsibility for such sites or organizations. • By attending this workshop, you acknowledge that you understand, consent to, and abide by these limitations and disclaimers. Adulthood. Ahhh… . Independence . Excitement . Adventure . Freedom . Fun . Travel . Romance bridges.jpg actions,adventures,Austria,backpackers,climbing,European Alps,exercising,friendships,healthy lifestyle,hiking,iStockphoto,Italy,men,mountains,nature,Photographs,rock climbing,sports,walking,women Adulthood! Argh!!! . School . Bills . Work . Housework . Shopping . Health care businesses,businessmen,businesswomen,clocks,colleagues,concepts,deadlines,females,groups,hiding,iCLIPART,males,people,Photographs,schedules,studio shots,studios,times,waiting,women bridges.jpg When the Clock Strikes Midnight… In the United States, you become a legal adult as soon as you turn 18 - unless a guardian has been appointed through the court system. bridges.jpg It Doesn’t Happen Overnight! Becoming a responsible, productive adult requires: .Time .Patience .Hard Work .Life Skills .Support Networks bridges.jpg .Vote in elections .Sign contracts .Get married .Oversee your medical care .Oversee your education .Drop out of school .Join the military .Make a will or living will Your Rights as an Adult U.S. Citizen bridges.jpg No Liquor Until You’re 21! And Maybe Not Then… Don’t Risk It! Don’t Drink! Mixing alcohol with meds and/or cars is not wise! bridges.jpg Face the Facts: In Kentucky and Indiana drinking beer, wine or other alcohol is not legal until age 21. .You - not your parents - are legally responsible for your actions, contracts and financial support. .You can be sued. .You can be tried as an adult if accused of a crime. .You must serve on a jury if selected. Your Responsibilities as an Adult bridges.jpg Almost all males in the U.S., whether or not they are a citizen or have severe disabilities, must register with the U.S. Selective Service (military draft) within 30 days of turning 18. Registering for Military Draft bridges.jpg Your Medical Rights As an adult, you will have the right to: . High quality, medical care that is compassionate and respects your dignity, values and beliefs. .Participate and make decisions about your care and pain management, including refusing care to the extent permitted by law. .Have your illness, treatment, pain, alternatives and outcomes explained in a manner you can understand. bridges.jpg Your Medical Rights As an adult, you will also have the right to: .Second opinions regarding your medical care. .Request that relative, friend and/or others be notified. .Be informed about transfers to other facilities or alternatives to a transfer. .Receive information about continuing your health care at the end of your visit. bridges.jpg What is HIPAA? HIPAA Logo The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996, known as HIPAA, is a federal law designed to keep patient information private and allow consumers access to their medical records. bridges.jpg Your Rights Under HIPAA bridges.jpg .When you become an adult, you will have the option of signing an Over 18 HIPAA Release & Consent Form. .If you want your parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to have access to your medical records, schedule appointments for you or speak with your healthcare providers, you must sign the form. .A HIPAA Release and Consent Form is NOT a health care proxy. It does NOT authorize your parent(s) / guardian(s) to make healthcare decisions for you. .View and/or receive a copy of your health records. .Have corrections added to your health information. .Receive a notice that tells you how your health information may be used and shared. .Decide if you want to give your permission before your health information can be used or shared for certain purposes, such as for marketing. .Get a report on when and why your health information was shared for certain purposes. Your Rights Under HIPAA bridges.jpg If you believe your rights under HIPAA are being denied or your health information isn’t being protected, you can file a complaint with your insurer, provider or the U.S. Government. Know Your Rights! bridges.jpg Carry an identification card with emergency Information including a contact such as a parent, other trusted adult or close friend, and info about your medical condition. Just in case… bridges.jpg Legal Documents for Medical Care .Healthcare Proxy - allows you to designate someone you trust to make medical decisions if you are unable. .Living Will - lets you explain your wishes in advance about what you want doctors to do in particular circumstances. .Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order – gives specific direction to medical providers not to revive you if your heart or breathing stops. bridges.jpg Talk with your parents, your doctor, a social worker or others you trust and respect to get advice before making medical, legal & financial decisions. Get Help Making Big Decisions iStockphoto,team,office,discussing,formals,white,laptop,notebooks,writing,team leader,smiling,business,occupations,cooperation bridges.jpg Talk with a lawyer or someone you trust about legal documents that can help you receive medical care in case of emergencies. Get Expert Advice business,communications,conferences,laptop computers,meetings,men,people,suits,technology bridges.jpg Thank goodness, there are family, friends and formal support networks to help keep you on the right track. athletes,competitive sports,women,iStockphoto,running,tracks,sports,races,shoes,sports training,sprinting,starting blocks,starting lines,track and field,people The Trick is to Stay on Track bridges.jpg What else do we need to know to make it to the finish line? question mark.jpg bridges.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg ANCC_Magnet_RGB Bridges art.jpg KCH_H_FULLCPOS_CMYK.jpg cv_65_25871 fda-logo_0 kystseal 9720442-seal-of-american-state-of-indiana-isolated-on-whiite-background Resources for Bridges Workshops CDC-HPV-Vaccine bridges.jpg ICHP-1.jpg wcot_logo ps Bove_AmericanHeartAssociationLogoColor HDI Logo