COACHING LOG (Inviting Partner) Ellen (Coach) Kate (EBP/GAS/Program Target) self management (Lesson) small group-igloo PRE OBSERVATION CONFERENCE OBSERVABLE BEHAVIOR: (Date:) Jun 1, 2010 FOCUS/CONCERN: (focus) Logan's need for assistance makes it difficult for teacher to focus on rest of group. Concerns about Logan's ability to work independently during group time ADULT: STUDENT: (Time:) 10 am (adultinput) responses to request for help: ignore assist promt (studentinput) request for assistance During: (DropDownList1) Release Time (Length:) 5 min DATA COLLECTION METHOD: (method) Logan's request for assistance and the teachers response will be tracked during the observation (Setting:) office New Target (New Target) Checked (ADULT MASTERY CRITERION) % Revisited Target (Revisited Target) Unchecked (MAINTENANCE CRITERION) TIMES OBSERVATION FOCUS/CONCERN: NOTES FOR DISCUSSION: (Date:) Jun 1, 2010 (obs_focus) Request for help: Teacher behavior: ignore assist prompt (obs_notes) visual systems that are currently in place: folder of pictures move teacher behavior toward prompting (Time:) 10:30 am (Length:) 5 min (Setting:) small group POST OBSERVATION CONFERENCE (Date:) Jun 1, 2010 MASTERY ACHIEVED: YES (YES) Unchecked NO (NO) Unchecked (Time:) 11am NOTES: (TextField2) New Target: independent work: discussed how to provide effective prompting through increased visuals. Suggested creating a "mini schedule" at the beginning of the lesson and building the product and schedule in front of students to assist them in understanding steps toward completion. COMMUNICATION SKILLS REMINDERS * Reflects partner's words * Uses open questions * Reflects partner's words * Clarifies words and feelings * Takes turns; no interrupting * Uses encouragement During: (DropDownList1) Planning Time (Length:) 10 min MAINTENANCE ACHIEVED: (Setting:) office YES (YES) Unchecked NO (NO) Unchecked NOTES: (TextField2) FUTURE PLANS/NOTES: (futurebox) Kate and Ellen will decide on next project through email discussion Kate will help create materials to build a "mini schedule" Kate will attend next small group lesson to help coach Ellen to use mini schedule and build product during introduction to the next small group project.