1 I Go to Preschool PE07157_ Created by Rochelle Lentini, USF Adapted 2004 2 PE03275_ I ride to school in my car seat. 3 j0137011 When I get to school, I can say “Hi” to my teacher. PE02551_ Most mornings, I eat breakfast at school with my friends. 4 SY01192_ j0139073 Sometimes I get sad because I miss my family. It’s ok, I will see them soon. My family is busy at work, school, or home. I can have fun playing at my school. PE03634_ j0088884 bd07160_ 5 EN00313_ PE01244_ PE07157_ j0158841 j0232272 On sunny days, we usually play outside. j0277366 I can ride a trike. I love swinging and running. I can play in the sandbox. We sometimes play ball. Sometimes, we play bubbles. 6 HH01534_ HH02539_ I can go potty like a big kid. Then, I wash and dry my hands. 7 j0087334 j0136975 PE02517_ j0217884 j0151483 j0088884 We do lots of fun things at school. We sing with the teacher and listen to stories. We play house, dress-up, instruments, and puzzles. bd07211_ 8 HH01430_ HH01734_ ED00187_ SO01769_ WB01750_ j0230680 j0122305 I can do lots of fun things in the block area. I can build with blocks, legos, and letters. I can also play with trains, cars, and trucks. 9 FD01591_ j0232724 j0082819 At art, sometimes I play with play-doh. I also like coloring and painting pictures. 10 j0264300 j0227296 PE03666_ My friends and I eat lunch. PE01094_ I also eat snack with my friends. I can bring something special from home to sleep with at school. Then I try real hard to nap nicely. My friends nap nicely too. 11 SY01192_ j0139073 j0137011 Sometimes I get sad because I miss my family. It’s ok, I will see them soon. My teacher helps me feel better. She tells me that Someone will be here soon to pick me up and I can hold my special toy from home. I can have fun playing at school. 12 j0136991 PE03634_ PE02179_ Someone will always come to take me home. 13 Everyone is happy when I play and have fun at school! PE06301_ 14 Scripted Story Tip •Please note that you can use real photographs with the line drawings for children that need this level of support. For instance, next to the line drawings, you can glue or Velcro a photograph of the child’s school on the cover, use a photograph of the car, use a photograph of the child in his car seat, use a photograph of the “something special from home”, etc. TTYC