Webinars: 2010-2011

The following trainings, called "webinars", are conducted online. To participate, you will need a computer with a high speed internet connection, along with computer speakers, a headset, or a telephone from which you can make a long distance telephone call.

Click here to see the 2009-2010 Trainings.

Have questions or need help with past or upcoming trainings? See "Training Help" section below.

PDF files on this page require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (download).

Upcoming Trainings

There are no more webinars scheduled for the 2010-2011 school year. Please check back here for the 2011-2012 ABRI webinars.


Training Help

If you have any questions about these trainings or using the GoToWebinar system, please email Barbara Kinney or call her at 502-852-3274.

If you have any problems on the day of the training, please email our Help Desk or call us at 502-852-2182.

You may also find these two documents helpful:

GoToWebinar Potential Connection Issues and Solutions (Word) - IMPORTANT: Please review prior to training, especially if you will be attending from a school or business environment

GoToWebinar Help Document (Word) explains how to use webinar system to participate in the training.

Past Trainings

Parents and the RtI Process

Parents play an important role in a child’s education. Education is always changing to meet the needs of various learners. As schools implement response to intervention, parents should be involved in this educational process. Participants will learn how to inform parents of RtI, how to seek parental involvement, and ways to increase a parent's understanding of this educational journey.

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials: PPT (as PDF)

Audience: FYRSC Directors, Administrators, Teachers, District Staff

Level: Beginner to Mid Implementation

Webinar Recording:Streaming video (WMV) of "Parents and the RtI Process" (WMV File Format, 41 minutes duration)

Linking the Five Key Components in Reading: A Three Step Instructional Process

Assessment data often reveals that students struggle in multiple areas of reading. This webinar will provide attendees with a three step instructional strategy that allows teachers to target multiple components of reading during a single tier 2 instructional session. Details about the strategy and examples of instructional materials that can be used to support the strategy will also be provided.

Date:  Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials: PPT (as PDF)

Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Intervention Specialists

Level: Beginner to Mid Implementation

Webinar Recording:Streaming video (WMV) of "Linking the Five Key Components in Reading: A Three Step Instructional Process" (WMV File Format, 34 minutes duration)

Linking Diagnostic Assessments to Student Needs in the Area of Mathematics

Students struggling with mathematics benefit from early interventions (RtI) aimed at improving their mathematics ability and preventing academic failure. This webinar will provide attendees with a formative assessment strategy that captures student's thinking and leads teachers to design more effective interventions to meet student needs. Examples of diagnostic assessments will be shared.

Date:  Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials: There are no participant materials available for this webinar.

Audience:  Teachers, Administrators, Intervention Specialists

Level:  Beginner to Mid Implementation

Webinar Recording:Streaming video (WMV) of "Linking Diagnostic Assessments to Student Needs in the Area of Mathematics" (WMV File Format, 46 minutes duration)


Strategies for Managing Challenging Behavior

Ask just about any teacher what the most challenging aspect of their job is and most likely one of the first answers you will get is, “Student Behaviors!” Teachers encounter a multitude of various challenging student behaviors on a daily basis including non-compliance, disrespect, verbal abuse, fighting, student tardiness, and/or general classroom disorder. This webinar is designed for anyone who deals with students’ challenging behavior in the classroom. The emphasis will be placed on strategies that can be used to prevent challenging behaviors, techniques to address challenging behaviors once they occur, and methods for providing instruction to students to show them a better way of behaving. In addition, to presenting different strategies for addressing challenging behavior, this presentation will cover the anatomy of escalating behavior cycles and the best recommended strategies for teachers at each stage of the escalation cycle.

Date:  Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials: Managing Challenging Behaviors PPT (as PDF)

Audience:  Teachers, Principals, Administrators, Intervention Specialists

Level:  Beginner to Mid Implementation

Webinar Recording:Streaming video (WMV) of "Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviors" (WMV File Format, 53 minutes duration)


Implementing Data Analysis in RTI Using a Four Question Model

This session will introduce educators to effective steps needed within a data driven decision making model appropriate for RTI. Specific examples will be given using a four question model helpful when identifying and intervening with struggling students. Specific data types vital to the RTI process will also be discussed.

Date:  Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials:  "Implementing Data Analysis in RTI Using a Four Question Model" PPT (as PDF)

Audience:  Principals, Data Managers, School Psychologists, Intervention Specialists

Level:  Advanced Implementation

Webinar Recording: Streaming video (WMV) of "Implementing Data Analysis in RTI Using a Four Question Model" (WMV File Format, 49 minutes duration)

Implementing RTI at the Secondary Level: Factors and Fallacies

This session will examine the key academic indicators educators must consider when identifying and intervening with struggling students. Specific program interventions and scheduling issues pertinent to high schools will be examined.

Date:  Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Time:   4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

Webinar Materials:  "Implementing RTI at the Secondary Level: Factors and Fallacies" PPT (as PDF)

Audience:  Principals, Teachers, School Psychologists, Counselors, Reading Specialists

Level:  Intermediate Planning

Webinar Recording: Streaming video (WMV) of "Implementing RTI at the Secondary Level: Factors and Fallacies" (WMV File Format, 50 minutes duration)


RTI and Team Leadership: Why You Should Self-Assess Before Implementing RTI

This session will examine key leadership issues and readiness factors necessary before implementing a RTI process within your school or district.

Date:  Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Time:  4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Webinar Materials: "RTI and Team Leadership: Why You Should Self-Assess Before Implementing RTI" PPT, Self-Assessment Form (Word)

Audience:  Principals, District Administrators, School Psychologists, Lead Teachers

Level:  Intermediate Planning

Webinar Recording: Streaming video (WMV) of "RTI and Team Leadership: Why You Should Self-Assess Before Implementing RTI" (WMV File Format, 41 minutes duration)

Click here to see the 2009-2010 Trainings.

PDF files on this page require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (download).