Auto Coverages and Resources
The University Commercial Auto Insurance covers only vehicles rented, leased, or owned by the University, and used for official University business. Be sure to review the Vehicle Use policy for appropriate usage of the vehicle and appropriate behaviors that accompany the privilege of a University insured vehicle.
The University provides it's drivers of University Vehicles a Commercial Auto Policy with full comprehensive and collision coverage at a deductible of $1,000.00 per occurrence. The current insurance card below should always be in the possession of the driver or inside the vehicle when driving for University business.
Employees renting or leasing a vehicle for official University business, should utilize the University's travel agency program when renting or leasing to secure the appropriate insurance coverage. The lease or rental agreement should reflect the lessee or renter as the employee and the University of Louisville (i.e. University of Louisville/John Doe).
When traveling in a foreign country, it is advised that travelers obtain vehicle insurance provided by the rental car agency. When renting a vehicle, make sure that the University of Louisville and the employee is listed as the lessee (i.e. "University of Louisville/John Doe").
When an employee, student and/or volunteer is using their personal vehicle for official University business, the employee's, student's and/or volunteer's personal auto insurance is considered the primary insurance. The University's auto insurance would be excess for liability coverage only.
Physical damage to a personal vehicle while driving on official University business, is not covered by the University's auto insurance. The University does not pay any out-of-pocket expenses for physical damage or any portion of a personal policy deductible.
Employees, when traveling to an event, should depart from their place of work. If the employee travels from their home, it could be considered normal travel to and from work, which is excluded from the University's insurance coverage. There could be exceptions to this, for example, if the travel is directly to the event and is required by the University as part of the employee's employment. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact our office.
Driver Guidelines and MVR
Anyone (University employee, student or volunteer) who drives a University owned, leased or rented vehicle, or drives their own vehicle for University business as part of their normal job duties, must have a Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) check completed by the University’s Insurance Broker to determine driver eligibility. The results are used along with the following guidelines below to determine a driver's insurability under the University's auto insurance policy.
If it is determined you are not insurable, you are not eligible to drive for the University anywhere from, and up to three (3) to five (5) years depending on the violation(s).
All drivers must complete the University Driver form to process the Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) check. Click the button below to complete the form today for MVR processing.
Driver Training
In addition to the University Driver form above, New University drivers, and annually thereafter, are required to complete a 20 minute online driver safety training course. When a driver completes the University Driver form, they will be provided with a link to the online training or click the Defensive Driving Training course link to complete the training today!
Driver Eligibility
The following matrix is used to determine a driver’s eligibility under the University’s auto insurance policy. Drivers will not be eligible to drive if any of the following exist:
Eligibility Matrix
At-Fault / Violations | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | Clear | Acceptable | Borderline | Unacceptable |
1 | Acceptable | Borderline | Unacceptable | Unacceptable |
2 | Borderline | Unacceptable | Unacceptable | Unacceptable |
3 or More | Unacceptable | Unacceptable | Unacceptable | Unacceptable |
Any Major Violation | Unacceptable | Unacceptable | Unacceptable | Unacceptable |
Major violations (within the last five (5) years of violation date) include:
- A violation in connection with a fatal accident.
- Any felony involving the use of an automobile.
- Driving under a suspended, revoked, or expired license.
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and/or the refusal to take a blood/breath test.
- Fleeing or attempting to elude the police; failure to stop and report an accident in which the driver was involved.
- Negligent vehicular homicide.
- Operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission.
- Permitting an unlicensed person to drive.
- Reckless, negligent, careless driving or racing.
- Speeding in excess of 20 mph over the speed limit.
The following are not considered as a violation:
- Defective equipment (lights, brakes, etc.)
- Oversize or overweight
- Seatbelt violations
Borderline drivers include “borderline” situations as noted in the above chart and the following:
- Past suspensions with reinstatements shown on the MVR.
- Drivers 18-21 with one or more violations/accidents within the last three years.
Studies conducted by the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration (NHSTA) revealed that loaded 15- passenger vans have a significantly higher risk of rollover than passenger cars and light trucks. Loading the vans raises the center of gravity and shifts it towards the rear, greatly affecting the handling characteristics. When heavily loaded, the steering characteristics and responsiveness are very different from light passenger vehicles. This can cause serious consequences in an emergency when an untrained driver expects the vehicle to respond like a car.
Driving large vans requires skill and experience from the operator. The vehicles must also be in proper working order to reduce the likelihood of involvement in an accident. NHSTA has shown that the chance of survival in a rollover type accident is greatly enhanced by the proper use of seat belts.
Therefore, to prevent injury or accident the University has implemented guidelines with the objective of reducing the risk of potential accidents, injuries or even death associated with the operation of a 15-passesnger van. Risk reduction is achieved through assurances that 15-passenger vans will only be operated by safe and knowledgeable drivers, vans are in proper and safe working order, and all passengers use passenger restraint systems when the vehicle is in operation.
Departments and their drivers of 15-passenger vans are responsible for ensuring all safety and operating guidelines are followed and to make appropriate judgment calls in the interest of safety.
At a minimum, the following guidelines must be adhered to in order to operate a van:
- You must be a University employee or authorized adult driver to operate a van.
- You must be an approved eligible driver with an MVR on file and completed driver safety training.
- You must be a licensed driver with five or more years of driving experience or at least 21 years of age.
- You must complete a pre-trip inspection (Van Inspection Checklist) of the van to assure that the van is in a safe condition. Do not operate the van if there are any mechanical or equipment issues.
- You and your occupants must wear seat belts while the van is being operated. Your driver is ultimately responsible for seeing that this is enforced.
- When the van is not full, passengers should sit in seats that are in front of the rear tires.
- When possible, there should be at least two eligible drivers in case of an emergency or driver fatigue.
- No cargo stored on the roofs of 15-passenger vans.
- Have the occupant of the front passenger seat serve as the navigator. Let the navigator follow the directions or read the map for you and assist with lane changes, turns and backing.
- It is always a good idea to limit your drive time to less than four hours. If trips will exceed this, plan on having a second eligible driver or plan on staying overnight.
Always consider the characteristics of the van and drive conservatively. Its length, width and weight are all greater than what you are typically used to.
- The weight of the van, particularly when fully occupied, requires additional stopping distance. It also causes the center of gravity to shift rearward and upward increasing the likelihood of rollover. This shift in gravity will also increase the potential for loss of control in panic maneuvers.
- The width of the van allows for less lane room. Be aware that the shoulder of roadways is often soft and can give way underneath, causing the van to roll.
- The length increases distances needed for making turns, changing lanes and backing. Use your navigator to assist with these lane changes and turns. Also, when backing, have the navigator get out to watch for obstacles.
When possible, departments that operate 15-passenger vans should select one or two experienced drivers to drive on a regular basis. These drivers will gain valuable experience handling the van. By driving conservatively, following these basic guidelines, you and your occupants will experience a safer and more enjoyable trip.
If any driver feels unsure of their ability to drive a 15-passenger van, please make sure that you notify your department and do not drive.
Anyone planning on driving a 15-passenger van on University business must, in additional to the online driver safety course, watch the informational video below. Departments are responsible for ensuring their drivers meeting the driving guidelines, have read the 15-passenger van guidelines, and watched the 11-minute video below.
Driver Safety Program
PURPOSE: This program is intended to reduce the University's at risk driving behaviors and ultimately reduce the number and severity of accidents in University vehicles. There are two sections to the program, Driver Safety Training and the Vehicle Accident Review Panel. See below for information on each section.
Driver Safety Training
A Defensive Driver is one who commits no driving errors himself and makes all reasonable allowances for the lack of skill or improper driving practices of the other drivers. A Defensive Driver adjusts driving to compensate for unusual weather, road, and traffic conditions, and is not tricked into an accident by the unsafe actions of pedestrians and other drivers. By being alert to accident inducing situations, a defensive driver recognizes the need for preventative action in advance and takes the necessary precaution to prevent the accident. A Defensive Driver knows when it is necessary to slow down, stop, or yield his right-of-way to avoid involvement.
The Driver Safety Training is a Defensive Driver training that all drivers must complete when initially becoming a University driver and annually thereafter until they no longer drive for University business. Each driver will complete the University Driver form providing Enterprise Risk the necessary information to start the process for driver approval. Annually all driver will complete the University Driver form to update Enterprise Risk with any new information. Upon completion of the form all drivers will be required to complete the online Defensive Driver training course. The training can be accessed by the following:
- Click the following link to go to the training platform: Safe Colleges.
- Click the Play button on the left-hand side. When highlighted, it will display extra training
- Scroll down to find and click the category Transportation
- Click the Defensive Driving course to begin
Vehicle Accident Review Panel
The Vehicle Accident Review Panel provides a process for the review of all accidents involving University drivers and evaluates a driver's general safety. A panel of University employees will review all accidents and make recommendations for the driver to promote safe driving skills and accident reduction.
Guidelines for an Accident
- Stop as near to the scene as safely practical; avoid blocking traffic and otherwise potential dangers to yourself and others.
- If not on University property, call the police and request a police officer respond to the scene to prepare a formal police report. If necessary, notify appropriate emergency medical and/or fire rescue authorities.
- If on University property notify the University of Louisville Police Department at 502-852-6111.
- DO NOT admit any negligence, fault or offer settlements. DO NOT leave a note stating you damaged a vehicle or property with your personally identifying information.
- Provide identification and University provided insurance card to involved parties.
- Obtain the following information:
- Name, address, and phone numbers of the other party(ies) involved as well as any witnesses
- Make, model, and year of any vehicle(s) involved with a list of damages to each
- Auto insurance name and policy number for the other party(ies) involved
- If there were any injuries, provide the name of the individual and brief description of the injuries
- If possible take pictures of the accident scene, insurance cards, driver's licenses, and the damages to all vehicles and property. Pictures are often one of the easiest ways to document the accident.
- Complete the Auto Accident Report form and notify your supervisor.
- Complete the Accident Questionnaire and submit to your supervisor.
- Forward all correspondence related to the accident or incident to Enterprise Risk.
DO NOT DELAY IN REPORTING AN ACCIDENT PENDING RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THE POLICE REPORT. Just provide Enterprise Risk with the law enforcement agency and the report number and Enterprise Risk can obtain the police report at a later date.
Accidents involving serious bodily injuries that require transport by Emergency Medical Services must be reported to Enterprise Risk within four (4) hours.
Vehicle Accident Review Panel Procedures
The purpose of the review panel is to evaluate the driver and their safe driving skills. The review panel will review the accident documentation, the driver's driving history, assign points based on the Accident Matrix, and make recommendations for adjudication. To preserve the integrity of the panel and ensure an equitable review, all personally identifying information will not be provided to the panel. All reported driving accidents will be subject the following procedures:
- All accidents must be reported to Enterprise Risk via the Auto Accident Report form.
- Within 24 hours of an accident the driver should complete the Accident Questionnaire and submit it to their supervisor. The supervisor will sign the questionnaire and submit it to Enterprise Risk.
- If indicated on the Police Report that the University driver is at fault, Enterprise Risk will request a new Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) check to be completed.
- Enterprise Risk will schedule a meeting with the review panel and provide all the documentation related to the accident for review. Again, all personally identifying information will be removed.
- Based on the evaluation of the documents provided, severity of the accident, number of prior accidents, the review panel will assign the driver points in accordance with the Accident Matrix.
- The number of point assigned and any additional recommendations from the review panel will determine the adjudication and/or corrective actions for the driver. This could include but is not limited to verbal counseling, training courses, ride along, hands on training, and/or additional disciplinary actions, such as suspension without pay or suspension from driving.
If adjudication requires additional training the supervisor will assist along with Enterprise Risk to provide access and ensure completion.
If adjudication requires a suspension, the supervisor, Enterprise Risk, HR, and Legal will evaluation the duties of the employee to comply with all University employment practices, personnel laws and regulations.
Property Coverage and Resources
The University's buildings and contents are covered under the State Fire and Tornado Fund. This fund provides coverage against property damage, caused by: fire, windstorm, hail, vandalism, water damage, theft, flood, earthquake, etc.
Covered Property:
- All University owned buildings and contents.
- Computer and non-computer equipment, that are scheduled in inventory control. (equipment, PC's, etc.)
- Furniture that is listed on the inventory control report.
- Inland Marine (laptops, mowers, golf carts, gators, etc.)
- Property Leased to Own by the University - these items are not automatically covered, they must be scheduled with Enterprise Risk. Please contact us to discuss coverage and cost.
Please note: The University's Property Insurance Does Not Cover Personal Property of Faculty, Staff, Students, Volunteers, Guest, etc. Personal property housed in a University building or on University property is at your own risk.
Items | Deductible |
Buildings and Contents | $10,000 Per Claim |
Computers | $10,000 Per Claim |
Non-Computer Items | $10,000 Per Claim |
Inland Marine - Equipment | $10,000 Per Claim |
If you or your department are going to purchase new, move, or transfer University property to a different location, you MUST contact Inventory Control to make the update or change. If you do not make the update or change, and sustain a property loss, your property may not be covered under the University's insurance policy.
Property Damage Insurance Claims
Before an Incident Occurs
All property should be inventoried using Inventory Control's policies and procedures. All items must be properly and appropriately inventoried and/or tagged to be covered by the University's Property Insurance. If property/items are not on the inventory report kept by Inventory Control those items are not covered by our insurance.
Be sure to keep Inventory Control up to date on changes to property. This not only applies when new items are acquired, but when items need to be moved to a new location or removed entirely because they are no longer in our possession.
Have emergency contact information of appropriate department staff, including night and weekend numbers, and for The University of Louisville Police Department if an incident occurs.
Do the necessary Preventative Maintenance. Conduct or have conducted, regular inspections and routine maintenance to keep equipment and facilities in good working order. Make repairs when necessary, prior to an incident occurring.
After an Incident Occurs
Report an incident as soon as possible to the following: ULPD at (502) 852-6111, Physical Plant at (502) 852-6241, and Enterprise Risk via the Property Claim form.
Enterprise Risk is required by policy to report damages to the state within 7 day of an incident. If that deadline is missed we forfeit the opportunity to submit a claim. Therefore it is important to make a timely report.
To file a claim, Enterprise Risk will need the following information to provide to the insurance carrier:
- Department Name
- Department Contact (name, title, phone number, email address)
- A detailed description of any damaged item(s), including the Inventory Control Number, location (building and room number).Details should include what is not working and how it is damaged. If a damaged item(s) does not have an Inventory Control Number, please be sure to provide the make, model, serial number, etc. and any original purchase information.
- Replacement information for "like, kind and quality" (company quotes/estimates or catalog information) and/or repair quotes or estimates. Documentation from a qualified technician or Tier I detailing why items should be repaired and/or replaced should also be provided with the quotes or estimates.
- If there are any items that are currently working, but you have reason to believe there could be a problem with them in the future as a result of the incident, provide the University Inventory Control Numbers, location and a detail description of the item and reason for future problem.
- Information regarding any extra expenses that may be incurred as a result of the incident such as the need for leased equipment, office relocation, etc.
- What will be required to get your program back in operation such as equipment and repairs necessary. It is the University’s goal to get programs back in operation as soon as physically possible after an incident occurs.
After making the initial report, to assist with the above needed information please complete the Damage Report Form. Click the link below to download.
What NOT To Do
- Do NOT state the cause of the incident until all circumstances surrounding the incident and resulting property damage have been researched and investigated. The actual cause may not be known. Therefore, when talking to anyone other than Enterprise Risk about the incident do not state the cause.
- Do NOT remove or repair damaged items, unless it is necessary to minimize loss or prevent further damage. Item(s) should not be removed from the incident scene or repaired until after the initial inspections by Enterprise Risk or our insurance adjuster are complete.
- Do NOT discard damaged equipment. It may be necessary to inspect specific equipment as part of the claims process. Enterprise Risk will give the department permission to discard any damaged property. When given approval to discard equipment, contact Inventory Control for appropriate procedures to follow.
Claims Process
- The department(s) reporting a claim provides the information listed above to Enterprise Risk.
- Enterprise Risk then opens a claim with the State within seven (7) days of the Date of Loss.
- Enterprise Risk works with the insurance adjuster(s) to review damages and department(s) to complete the Damage Report form to ensure that the claim is moving toward settlement as quickly as possible.
- Department(s) will either replace or repair the damaged item(s) and provide invoices for reimbursement. In some extreme cases, when funds are not available, Enterprise Risk is able to request a partial settlement from the State to provide some funds to a department to assist in replacing or repairing damaged items.
- Upon receipt of all final invoices, Enterprise Risk submits final Damage Report to the State requesting settlement. Proof of this is provided by the state and a settlement is received by Enterprise Risk.
- Enterprise Risk obtains the appropriate account information from the department(s) and deposits the monies accordingly. Note: When settlements are received by Enterprise Risk, policy deductibles and any appropriate depreciation have already been removed.
Liability Coverage and Resources
Commercial General Liability provides in a single contract, insurance to cover liability for bodily injuries or property damage sustained by others. It covers accidents occurring on University premises or away from University premises, as a result of business operations.
Some examples of Commercial General Liability include:
- Products: covers damages arising out of products manufactured, sold, handled, or distributed by the named insured.
- Completed Operations: covers damage that occurs after operations have been completed or abandoned. Damage has to occur away from the premises owned by or rented to the named insured.
- Personal & Advertising Injury: pays sums the insured is legally obligated to pay as damages due to an offense causing unintentional discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a person arising from the insured's conduct or advertising of products, goods or services.
- Fire Damage: pays for property damage to premises while rented to or occupied by the insured as a result of a fire caused by the negligence of the insured.
- Medical Payments: covers bodily injury (slip and fall) claims that happen on campus or are potentially University related (non-university employees).
Please be advised the University as an agency of the state has Sovereign Immunity. Per KRS 49..070, the Jurisdiction over negligence claims lie exclusively with the KY Board of Claim. Please reach out to Enterprise Risk and Insurance for additional information at
The term Educators Legal Liability coverage describes a policy that covers the wrongful acts of employees of educational institutions. The "hybrid" policy embraces coverage typically found in School Leaders' Errors and Omissions policy, Directors’ and Officers’ Liability policy and School Board Legal Liability policy. Our Educators Legal Liability policy combines the coverage of the previously mentioned policies into one. This comprehensive policy covers wrongful acts of employees acting within the scope of their duties.
Typical wrongful acts include the following:
Failure to educate, fiscal irresponsibility, breach of contract, denial of tenure, libel and slander, wrongful termination, discrimination (if not prohibited by law or public policy), invasion of privacy, broadcasting or telecasting activities
Coverage is afforded to the entity (the University), trustees, directors, officers, administrators, student teachers, employees, and volunteers of the included entity. For more information regarding Educators Legal Liability, please contact Enterprise Risk.
URMIA TULIP (Tenants' and Users' Liability Insurance Policy) is designed to provide low-cost general liability insurance to third party users of the University's facilities. The TULIP policy provides a low-cost special event insurance option to the University's facility users. TULIP is event-specific and protects both the facility user, or third party, and the University against claims by individuals who could be injured or experience damage to property as a result of participating in an event. Events that could be covered range from classroom seminars, receptions, weddings, festivals and fairs, sports events, or concerts.
If you want to have alcohol at your event you must contact Enterprise Risk before going to the TULIP website. All alcohol related issues must be resolved prior to your event.
The button below will take you to the TULIP website and allow you to purchase event insurance that the University has requested you have for your event on campus. Here are the steps to purchase your special event policy:
- Click on the button below to visit the URMIA TULIP site
- Click on Quick Quote
- Select the state as Kentucky
- Select the location as University of Louisville
- Select the University venue for your event
- Select date(s) for the event and provide an approximate number of guests
- Select the event type
- Select excess coverage (if the agreement with the University requests excess coverage)
- Select coverage (if the agreement with the University requests you provide coverage for vendors, exhibitors, or performers at your event)
- Press next and receive your insurance coverage summary and insurance premium quote
- Press next to process payment of insurance premium
A certificate of insurance will be emailed to you and Enterprise Risk from URMIA TULIP.
Malpractice Credentialing
When requesting insurance information and claims history for University medical or dental practitioners, students and/or residents, please review the information below. The insurance coverage and claims history may not be housed by Enterprise Risk depending on the dates requested. Please review the service dates below for the appropriate contact.
October 30, 1989 and Prior
Contact - Christina Howard - University Counsel - at or (502) 852-5256
November 1, 1989 - June 30, 2005
Contact - Stephanie Curtis - Enterprise Risk & Insurance - at or (502) 852-6926
July 1, 2005 to Present
Contact - Jennifer Armstrong - KMRRRG (Kentuckiana Medical Reciprocal Risk Retention Group)- at or (502) 569-2060
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us!

Certificate of Insurance Request
We can provide certificates of insurance when required by contract. Complete the form and allow three (3) business days to process the request.