18th Street Corridor Maps and Properties

This page contains documents related to the 18th Street Corridor public planning process, including maps of the study area, an inventory of identified properties, and maps generated during the public meetings.

Study Area Maps

Map of the 18th Street Corridor

Parcel Map of the 18th Street Corridor Study Area

Public Meeting Maps

Northern Section Map

North Central Section Map

Southern Section Map

South Central Section Map

"Properties of Interest" Inventory

This spreadsheet is a list of properties identified by residents and business owners in the 18th Street Corridor who attended open community forums regarding brownfield redevelopment in conjunction with Louisville Metro Department of Economic Growth and Innovation and the University of Louisville Center for Environmental Policy and Management.  The attendees were asked to provide addresses for properties in the 18th Street Corridor that were vacant, abandoned, or in need of improvement.  They were also asked to provide information such as current owner of the property (if known), past uses, and recommendations for future uses.  While the primary goal of this process was to identify properties that may quality for brownfield assessment grants and clean-up loans through Louisville Metro and the EPA, organizers used this as an opportunity to get resident input on opportunities for community revitalization.  If you have comments about the suggested reuse or if there is erroneous information, please contact us by phone at 852-3869 or by email at cepmefc@louisville.edu. You can also post your comments on our Facebook site at www.facebook.com\18thSt.