I Remember

Vanessa Williams-Harvey, an A&S alumna (1986, Communication) on her book/memoir, I Remember.
I Remember

Vanessa Williams-Harvey, an A&S alumna 1986, Communication

Vanessa Williams-Harvey, an A&S alumna's (1986, Communication) book/memoir, I Remember.

I Remember, tells the story of one family’s journey as their matriarch struggles through the effects of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. The candid, captivating book explores how the crisis pushes a once-solid family to the verge of destruction and jeopardizes everything their mother had spent a lifetime building. Every family faced with a crisis is challenged and tested in ways that exposes vulnerabilities. Just when all hope seems to fade, family members learn to accept one another, respect one another and forgive one another. Readers will discover how family discord and failure to communicate can eat at the core of any support system—and how loved ones in crisis can rally together to move from victims to victory. The ultimate lesson: The fate of the traditional family begins with each of us.