Minutes 11-30-12

College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty Assembly 

November 30, 2012

Registering Attendance:

Anthropology: J. Haws, C. Tillquist

Biology: D. Schultz

Chemistry: R. Buchanan

Classical & Modern Languages: R. Buchanan, W. Cunningham, M. Dalle, B. Fonseca-Greber, J. Greene, M. Groenewold, D. LaLonde, A. Leidner, A. Mastri, W. Pfeffer, M. Rodriquez, P. Sanchez, C. Sullivan, L. Wagner, L. Zeng

Communication: J. Ferré, A. Futrell, J. Hart

English: D. Anderson, D. Billingsley, T. Byers, K. Chandler, A. Clukey,J. Dietrich, P. Griner, K. Hadley, D. Hall, S. Henke, A. Jaffe, K. Kopelson, S. Schneider, B. Williams, E. Wise

Fine Arts: J. Kim

Geography/Geosciences: A. Day

History: G. Carlton, D. Krebs, D. Vivian

Humanities: A. Allen, P. Beattie, P. Pranke, T. Soldat-Jaffe, G. Sparks

Mathematics: C. Biro, U. Darji, L. Larson, Jiaxu Li, Jinjia Li, T. Riedel, D. Smith, D. Swanson, C. Tone, D. Wildstrom, S. Young

Philosophy: A. Kolers, D. Owen, O. Wiggins

Physics: D. Brown

Political Science: J. Farrier, T. Gray, M. Merry, R. Payne, C. Ziegler

Psychological & Brain Sciences: S. Meeks

Sociology: C. Negrey

Theatre Arts: R. Vandenbroucke

Urban & Public Affairs: D. Simpson

Women’s & Gender Studies: D. Heinecken, K. Story, N. Theriot


Professor Byers, Chair, called the Assembly to order.

The minutes of the Assembly of October 26, 2012, were approved as posted.

The Chair  recognized Professor Dennis Hall, who is completing his service as Parliamentarian, for his many years of service to the Assembly in various capacities, and asked Professor Hall to move approval of the December candidates for graduation.  Professor Hall, seconded by Professor Brown, moved approval of both undergraduate and graduate candidates, pending successful completion of all requirements.  The motion carried unanimously.

The Chair explained that the business before the Assembly was the use of questions regarding distance education, Reach supplemental instruction, and Reach learning assistance in conjunction with the Assembly-approved course evaluation form.  The Chair framed the motion to read  “that distance education , Reach LA, and Reach SI questions, where relevant, may be administered at the same time as the A&S student course evaluation, but that reviewing bodies in personnel actions would see only the A&S questions, unless  others were specifically submitted by the instructor under review.” 

Professor Brown, seconded by Professor Dietrich,  moved approval.  Hearing no call for discussion, the Chair put the question, and the motion carried.

The Chair then asked for a motion regarding the implementation date for the new evaluation form.   Professor Dietrich  moved that the new form be used for evaluations beginning with Spring 2013.  The motion was seconded.   Discussion included Professor Brown, Pfeffer, and Kolers.  

Hearing no call for further discussion, the Chair put the question and the motion carried.

The Chair announced that he was requesting that the Provost’s 21st Century University Initiative be placed on the agenda for discussion at the January Assembly.  The Chair also recognized  Professor Heinecken  who announced that the Faculty Senate would be circulating a questionnaire regarding summer school, which he urged people to respond to.

There being no further business, the Assembly was adjourned.
