A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes Oct 30 2007

College of Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee Minutes

October 30, 2007


Members present: B. Bradley, J. Burnet, P. Eason (Chair), C. Hanchette, N. Polzer, M. Rohmann, R. Taylor, J. Wallin (A&S Student Council)

Members absent: K. Chandler

Guests: R. Buchanan (CML), K. Conte (student), J. Dietrich (Dean’s Office), J. Grubola (FA), L. Haynes (PSYC), D. Lei (FA), N. Potter (PHIL), R. Roebuck (CML), E. Thulier (student)

The minutes of the meeting of October 2 were approved as distributed.

Teaching improvement grants from the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Classical and Modern Languages were approved in whole or in part. A grant proposal from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences was returned to the department with a request for modification.

The following course actions were approved, effective Summer 2008. [Courses involving General Education requirements must also be reviewed by the University General Education Course Committee.]

COMM 111: Speech Communication (title change to Introduction to Public Speaking)

ARTH 335: 20 th Century Chinese Artists and Architects (new course; GenEd CD2)

LAS 313: Panamanian Culture (new course; GenEd CD2)

PHIL 207/PAS 207/WGST 207: Introduction to Philosophy Through Cultural Diversity (new course; GenEd CD2) [GenEd HUM credit for this course will be reviewed at a subsequent meeting.]

