A&S Curriculum Committee Minutes, 4/04/05

College of Arts and Sciences

Curriculum Committee Minutes

April 4, 2005

Members present: B. Beattie (Chair), A. Kolers, B. Li, A. Paez (A&S Student Council), S. Parkhurst, M. Rohmann, D. Swanson, R. Taylor

Members absent: A. Allen

Guests: C. Leuthart (Geog/Geos); W. Pfeffer (CML); R. Vandenbroucke (TA)

The minutes of the meeting of March 21 were approved as distributed.

The committee approved the document required by SACS outlining the procedures for curriculum changes in the College. The document follows the conclusion of these minutes.

The Committee approved the recommendation of the Department of Geography and Geosciences that students with a score of 3 or better on the AP examination in Human Geography receive credit for GEOG 200, effective with students entering in Fall 2005.

The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of the Faculty Assembly’s charge to the committee regarding the distinction in requirements between B.A. and B.S. degrees. The committee decided to take several specific questions to the Assembly for discussion prior to revising the statement that was proposed and rejected last spring.


Curriculum Changes: College of Arts and Sciences

I. Types of Curriculum Changes

  1. Degree Proposals
  1. New degree proposals, certificates, and minor programs
  2. Changes to existing degrees
  3. Discontinuation of existing degree
  1. Individual Course Proposals
  1. New course proposals
  2. Modifications to existing courses
  1. Change of title
  2. Change of course number or level
  3. Change of description
  4. Change of pre-requisites
  5. Change of credit hours
  1. Deletion of existing course

II. Outline of approval process

  1. Department or program proposes curriculum or course change, addition, or deletion using the Course Inventory File form available on the Provost’s web site at http://www.louisville.edu/provost/files/CIFform.pdf and sends it to the Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee. Note: proposal for a new course must be accompanied by a model syllabus that conforms to the guidelines stipulated by the University of Louisville.
  2. If approved after Committee discussion, the Chair of the Curriculum Committee (or his/her designee) signs the form and forwards it to the Provost’s Office (undergraduate courses/proposals) or the Graduate School (graduate courses/proposals).

III. The proposal can be denied at any of the steps outlined above. It may be revised according to suggestions or requirements and resubmitted to the committee.

IV. Notes:

  1. The Curriculum Committee requires that proposals include the following:
    1. a brief statement of the reason for the proposed addition/change/deletion
    2. consideration of potential impact on the department’s majors for degree changes or course actions affecting primarily the major
    3. consideration of the effect on the college’s general population for changes to a General Education course
  2. Deadlines for final approval of changes usually occur before the end of the first semester of the year preceding the implementation of the proposal.

Approved: April 4, 2005 __________________________________

Blake Beattie, Chair

Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee