A&S; Curriculum Committee Minutes, 11/12/02


November 12, 2002

Members Present: G. Barnes, A. Kolers, R. Luginbill, J. McLeod, M. Rohmann (A&S; Advising Center), E. Segal (Chair), R. Taylor (ex-officio), B. Wright (A&S; Student Council), W-B. Zeng

Guests: P. DeMarco (Psychology)

The minutes of September 24 were corrected to reflect that Professor Zeng was in attendance. With this correction they were approved as distributed. The minutes of the meeting of October 18 were approved as distributed.

The committee gave approval for those requests involving deletes, description changes, and prerequisite changes without individual consideration. All actions are effective Fall 2003 unless otherwise noted.

	FREN 221:  Intermediate French-description change

	MATH 351:  Problem Solving-prerequisite change

	BIOL 515/615:  Environmental Physiology-prerequisite change
	BIOL 540/640:  Intermediary Metabolism-prerequisite change

	GERM 000:  Study Abroad-credit hour change
	GERM 122:  Basic German II-description/prerequisite change
	GERM 141:  Intensive German I-description change
	GERM 142:  Intensive German II-description change
	GERM 221:  Intermediate German-description change
	GERM 311:  Independent Study-description/prerequisite change
	GERM 321:  Conversation and Composition-description change
	GERM 561:  Independent Study-description/prerequisite change
	GERM 301:  German Louisville-delete
	GERM 303:  Children's Literature-delete
	GERM 313:  Readings in German Literature-description change
	GERM 323:  German for Careers and Business-delete
	GERM 325:  Theatre Practicum-delete
	GERM 331:  Into to German Culture-delete
	GERM 341:  Grimms' Fairy Tales-delete
	GERM 351:  Weimar Culture-delete
	GERM 355:  Intro to German Literature-delete
	GERM 365:  Women Writers and Filmmakers-delete
	GERM 501:  Survey of German Literature I-delete
	GERM 502:  Survey of German Literature II-delete
	GERM 515:  Studies in 18th Century Literature-delete
        GERM 517:  Studies in 19th Century Literature-delete
	GERM 518:  Studies in 20th Century Literature-delete
	GERM 519:  German Intellectual History-delete
	GERM 520:  Age of Goethe-delete
	GERM 521:  German of Today-delete
	GERM 523:  Advanced Conversation and Composition-delete
	GERM 531:  Cultural History-delete

	SOC 371:  Alienation-remove WR designation
	SOC 410:  Social Context of Aging-remove WR designation
	SOC 452:  Social Movements-remove WR designation
	WMST 373/ML 365:  Women Writers and Filmmakers-description change
	WMST 533/HIST 506:  Women in 19th Century America-description change
	WMST 556/POLS 568:  Feminist Theory-description change
	WMST 540/PAS 562:  Women's Health in Africa-description change
	WMST 530/HIST 588:  Feminism in Western Civilization-description change
	WMST 531/HIST 583:  Women in 20th Century-description change

	ANTH 352:  Culture and Human Nutrition-title/description change
	ANTH 314:  Topics in Old World Archaeology-title/description change
	ANTH 324:  Religion in South Asian Society-delete
	ANTH 302:  Learning, Family, and Culture-delete

	SPAN 355:  Reading Hispanic Literature-title/description change

	BIOL 257:  Intro to Microbiology-prerequisite/credit hour change
	BIOL 258:  Intro Microbiology Laboratory-new course
         (BIOL 257, a 4-hour lecture/lab course was split into separate 
         lecture and laboratory numbers.)

        GEOG 441:  History, Philosophy, and Literature of 
         Geography-title/description/ prerequisite change
        GEOG 531:  Urban Demography-title/description/prerequisite change
        GEOG 535:  Retail Site Analysis-title/description/prerequisite change

Professor DeMarco presented a revision of the proposed B.S. in Psychology. The degree was approved contingent on the department's approval of changes to the sequence of supporting courses.

Changes were approved to the major in English: one rather than two of the four historical surveys required by the department will have to be a WR course.

The following course actions were approved:

	PSYC 645:  Cognitive Neuroscience--new course
	PSYC 575:  Personality-level change to 375
	PSYC 585:  Abnormal Psychology-level change to 385
	PSYC 381:  Intro to Clinical Psychology-level change to 582

	COMM 440:  Intercultural Communication-General Education/CD2
	COMM 275:  African American Communication-new course; General
	HIST 105/106:  Honors History of Civilization I and II-General 

        ANTH 305:  Intro to Archaeology-changed to 204; General 
         Education/SB and CD1
        ANTH 205:  Intro to World Music-new course, x-listed with MUH 205;
	 General Education/SB and CD1

	PAS 218:  Survey of American Jazz-new course, x-listed with MUH 218;
	 General Education/Arts and CD1