A&S; Curriculum Committee Minutes, 11/21/00


November 21, 2000

Members Present: L. Larson, T. Mackey, R. Powers, R. Roebuck, M. Rohmann, M. Stenger (Chair), R. Taylor

Members Absent: E. Segal

The minutes of the meeting of November 16 were approved as distributed.

The committee approved the following courses for General Education and will forward them to the university-wide General Education Course Committee:

POLS 111: Political Discourse-oral communication (additional information received as requested)
POLS 349: Comparative Political Culture-cultural diversity (additional information received as requested)

PHYS 107: Elementary Astronomy-natural sciences
PHYS 108: Elementary Astronomy Lab-natural sciences
PHYS 111: Elements of Physics-natural sciences
PHYS 121: Great Ideas in Physics-natural sciences
PHYS 122: Great Ideas in Physics Lab-natural sciences
PHYS 220/GEOS 220: Contemporary Issues in Meteorology-natural sciences
PHYS 295: Introductory Laboratory I-natural sciences
PHYS 298: Introductory Mechanics, Heat and Sound-natural sciences
PHYS 299: Introductory Electricity, Magnetism and Light-natural sciences

[NOTE: PHYS 221, 222, and 223 will be returned to the department for additional information. The committee also wished to ask why PHYS/GEOS 219: Meteorology Lab was not being submitted.]

COMM 111: Speech Communication-oral communication
COMM 112: Business and Professional Speaking-oral communication
COMM 115: Interpersonal Skills-oral communication
COMM 201: Introduction to Communication-social/behavioral sciences
COMM 250: Computer Communication-computer literacy

[NOTE: COMM 201 was also submitted for cultural diversity, but is being returned to the department for additional information in that category. COMM 299 for social/behavioral sciences is being returned to the department for additional information.]

HUM 101: World Literature to 1700-humanities
HUM 102: World Literature since 1700-humanities
HUM 215: Introduction to the Study of Religion-humanities
HUM 216: Introduction to World Religion-humanities and cultural diversity

MATH 105: Contemporary Mathematics--math
MATH 107: Finite Mathematics-math
MATH 111: College Algebra-math
MATH 112: Trigonometry-math
MATH 190: Precalculus-math
MATH 205: Calculus I-math
MATH 206: Calculus II-math

[NOTE: MATH 180 is being returned to the department for additional information.]

BIOL 102: Introduction to Biological Systems and BIOL 263: Environmental Biology were reviewed for general education and returned to the department for additional information.