A&S; Curriculum Committee Minutes, 12/9/97



DECEMBER 9, 1997

Members present: J. Hart, S. Maloney, M. Rohmann, E. Segal (Chair), M. Stenger, R. Taylor

Members absent: S. Davis, R. Sahoo

Guests: B. Adams, L. Badru, Y. Jones, C. Leuthart, L. Thompson, B. Tyler

Professor Segal called the meeting to order at 9:40.

The minutes of the meetings of November 18 and 25 and December 2 were approved 
as distributed.

The following course actions were approved, effective 98U unless otherwise 

        HIST 538:  African American Leadership; new course; WR credit
        PAS 200:  Intro to African American Studies; 
                title/description change
        PAS 215:  Black Writing Strategies; new course
        PAS 225:  Survey of African American Education; SB GER credit
        PAS 317:  African American Religion; cross-listed with 
                HUM 377; HUM GER credit     
        HUM 377:  African American Religion; new course; 
                cross-listed with PAS 317
        PAS 328:  African American Islam; new course; 
                cross-listed with HUM 379; HUM GER credit
        HUM 379:  African American Islam; new course; 
                cross-listed with PAS 328
        PAS 329:  African Diaspora I: the Slave Trade (title change)
        PAS 333:  Women's Health in Africa; new course; SB GER credit
        PAS 342:  African, African-American, and Caribbean 
                Women Novelists; new course; WR credit
        PAS 366:  Inequality and Health: the Black Experience; 
                new course; SB GER credit
        PAS 375:  Public Health in Africa; new course
        PAS 384:  Disease, Ecology, and Environmental Management 
                in Africa; new course; cross-listed with GEOG 362
        PAS 396:  History of the Caribbean; new course; 
                historical studies GER
        PAS 505:  Service Learning; new course
        PAS 508:  Independent Study; new course
        PAS 540:  Pedagogy of African Studies; cross-listed 
                with EDEM/EDSD 591; SB GER credit
        PAS 550:  African Popular Culture; new course
        PAS 560:  Geography and Nutrition Among Africans and 
                African Americans; new course; cross-listed with GEOG 520; 
                SB GER credit
        PAS 566:  Post-Colonial Voices: Writing "Experience" 
                in African Literature; new course; WR credit
        GEOG 358: Computer Application in Geography; delete
                (replaced in Geography program degree requirements 
                by elective hours)
        GEOG 378: The North American City; new course; WR credit
        GEOG 578: Downtown Change and Development; new 
                course (approved pending receipt of explanation of 
                work required for graduate credit)
        GEOG 362: Disease, Ecology, and Environmental Management 
                in Africa; new course; cross-listed with PAS 384
        GEOG 520: Geography and Nutrition Among African and 
                African-American Populations; new course; cross-listed with 
                PAS 560

        TA 581: Drama Techniques for High School Teachers; new course
        TA 322: African-American Theatre Workshop; credit hour 
                change from variable hours to 3 hours 
        TA 326: Cultural Diversity in Performance; new course; 
                WR credit
        TA 362: Off-Broadway Plays by and about African-Americans; 
                new course; WR credit; history/theory of the arts GER credit
        TA 363: African-American Women Dramatists; 
                title/description change
        PAS 350: African-American Women Dramatists; 
                title/description change
        WMST 380: African-American Women Dramatists; 
                title/description change
        TA 366:  History of African-American Theatre; 
                history/theory of the arts GER credit
        BIOL 465:  Principles of Physiology; credit hour change 
                and removal of WR credit
        BIOL 475:  Physiology Lab; new course; WR credit

The committee approved changes to the degree requirements in Pan African 
Studies.  The concentration in African Studies was deleted from the PAS minor. 
A new PAS minor concentration in Culture, Ecology, and Health was approved.  
Additionally, a new interdisciplinary minor in Cultural Performance, offered 
cooperatively between Pan African Studies and Theatre Arts, was approved.  

The meeting adjourned at 11:20.  
