About the College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts & Sciences
As UofL's largest academic unit, the College of Arts & Sciences offers a diverse range of opportunities from dozens of departments and programs in the natural and physical sciences, the social and behavioral sciences, and the arts and humanities. A degree from Arts & Sciences provides a solid foundation upon which to build future academic, professional and personal successes.
Our students learn how to think critically; but they don’t just think, they do. They explore, create, research, communicate, collaborate, and meaningfully engage in the world around them. As a result, graduates of UofL’s College of Arts & Sciences are adaptable, innovative, and highly attuned problem-solvers. They are lifelong learners who are well-equipped for the work force and primed to make significant contributions to their chosen professions and respective communities.
Nasby practices ‘green’ stage management
Charles Nasby, technical production manager for the department of theatre arts, plies his trade amid a jungle of lumber, welding materials and scraps from past stage sets. He builds scenery, handles building maintenance, helps out with lighting, sound and costumes – and mentors students while he does it.
4 A&S staff members receive President’s Outstanding Performance Award
Congratulations to our talented and dedicated staff members Luke Buckman (University Honors Program), Annelise Gray (English), Lori Cotter (A&S Dean’s Office), and Charles Nasby (Theatre Arts) for being among this year’s Outstanding Performance Award recipients.They each received a plaque and monetary award at an awards luncheon in their honor on Friday, January 30, 2015.
Dr. Humberto Gutierrez, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Congratulations to Prof. Humberto Gutierrez, an assistant professor in the department of physics and astronomy, who has been awarded the NSF CAREER grant (award amount: $492, 412).
UofL's Department of Mathematics reaches out to area high school to provide college-level coursework
A Successful Public History Job Search Workshop
Kudos to Profs. Daniel Vivian and Lara Kelland, Department of History, for coordinating a successful “Public History Job Search: A One-Day Workshop for Graduate Students"
2014 Fulbright Distinguished Chair
Prof. G.B. Hammond has been named a 2014 Fulbright Distinguished Chair. The award is among the Fulbright Scholar Program’s most prestigious and typically is given to fewer than 50 educators each year.