
Sumei (May) Zhang, PhD, AICP
Director, Master in Urban Planning
Director, Graduate Certificate in
Real Estate Development

UPA Building Room 211

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Zhang’s research interests include Regional Economics, Spatial Statistics, Mathematical Modeling, and Geographical Information Systems, with a focus on its application in Planning.

Research Interests: Regional economics, GIS, research methods, program evaluation, urban sustainability


Doctor of Philosophy, City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State University

Master of Science, Applied Statistics, The Ohio State University

Master of Science, Urban Geography, Nanjing University, China

Bachelor of Science, Economic Geography, Nanjing University, China


SUST 301: Sustainable Built Environment

PLAN 604: Urban Data Analysis

PLAN 607: Land Use Planning

PLAN 614: Real Estate Market Analysis

Recent Publications

Li, Y., & Zhang, S. Applied Research Methods in Urban and Regional Planning. Springer Nature. Forthcoming.

Li, Y., & Zhang, S. 2021. Social capital as a predictor of neighborhood satisfaction: an analysis of American Housing Survey national data. Housing and Society, 48(1), 1-20.

Bhanjee, Sheliza and Sumei Zhang. 2021. “Physical Determinants of Planned and Informal Development in Dar Es Salaam — A Regression Approach to Construct Multi-Temporal Land-Use Data.” Papers in Applied Geography

Zhang, Sumei. 2019. “Rethinking U.S. Enterprise Zones: The Role of Research Design in Program Evaluation.” Local Economy 34(6):545:571

Zhang, Sumei. 2015. “Impacts of Enterprise Zone Policy on Industry Growth: New Evidence from the Louisville Program.” Economic Development Quarterly 29(4):347-362