Alison McLeish, PhD

Assistant Professor (Term)

Alison C. McLeish

Life Sciences Building, 301G

(502) 852-1450


Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Vermont, 2006

B.A., Psychology, Duke University, 1997

    Research Interests

    The role of transdiagnostic cognitive-affective risk factor factors in substance use, chronic medical conditions, and their co-occurrence.

    Representative Publications

    • Whitton, S., McLeish, A. C., Godfrey, L. M., James-Kangal, N., & Rhoades, G. K. (in press). Partner Assisted Smoking Cessation Treatment: A small randomized clinical trial. Substance Use and Misuse    

    • McLeish, A. C., Kraemer, K. M., & O’Bryan, E. M.* (2019). Discomfort intolerance in relation to asthma outcomes. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43, 24-31.

    • Johnson, A. L.*, O’Bryan, E. M.*, Kraemer, K. M.*, McLeish, A. C., Zvolensky, M. J., Bernstein, J. A., & Horning, D.** (2019). The role of anxiety sensitivity-physical concerns in terms of quit day withdrawal symptoms and cravings: A pilot test among smokers with asthma. Journal of Asthma, 56, 173-178.
    • McLeish, A. C., Farris, S. G., Johnson, A. L., Bernstein, J. A., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2016). Evaluation of Smokers with and without asthma in terms of smoking cessation outcome, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and craving: Findings from a self-guided quit attempt. Addictive Behaviors, 63, 149-154.
    • McLeish, A. C., Johnson, A. L., Avallone, K. M., & Zvolensky, M. J. (2016). Evaluating the role of anxiety sensitivity in barriers to cessation and reasons for quitting among smokers with asthma. Psychology, Health, & Medicine, 21, 236-247.
    • McLeish, A. C., Luberto, C. M., & O’Bryan, E. M. (2016). Anxiety sensitivity and reactivity to asthma-like sensations among young adults with asthma. Behavior Modification,40 164-177.

    Courses Often Taught

    • Abnormal Psychology

    • Principles of Clinical Psychology

    • Personality