Face-to-Face Proctoring

Face-to-face proctoring allows the student to take exams in a quiet setting at a convenient location instead of coming to UofL’s campus. This process requires the student to obtain a proctor on their own. You will then work directly with the proctor in order to distribute and receive the exam.

What are my responsibilities as an instructor?


  1. Notify students of the proctored exam requirement prior to registration.
    • Include the following statement in both the course listing in the Schedule of Courses and in your syllabus: “This course will have [number of proctored exams/projects] proctored exams. Students may incur a fee depending on the proctor selected.”
    • Note: SACS requires students be informed of any fees associated with the verification of student identity, such as proctoring fees, prior to registering for the course.
  2. Inform students about their responsibilities as listed below. See Student Responsibilities for a complete list.
    • Students must identify a suitable proctor according to specific guidelines;
    • Students must provide the proposed proctor with the Eligibility and Responsibilities Agreement Form [PDF]. Proctors must complete and submit this form to the Instructor to be approved as a proctor;
    • Students must schedule the exam with the proctor or testing center, during the approved exam time frame;
    • Students must pay any associated fees with the proctored exam, including the mail tracking fee if required.
  3. Verify the student’s proctor choice upon receipt of the completed Proctor Eligibility and Responsibilities Agreement Form [PDF] to be completed by the chosen proctor.
  4. Inform both proctor and student of approval or denial of the proctor. See Securing a Suitable Proctor to learn what qualifies.
  5. Complete and email your Exam Instructions [PDF] to approved proctors. Send examinations only to the proctor's approved business email address. If the proctor's business email address is a Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, or other similar free email address, the student will need to provide documentation that this is the proctor's business email address, such as a business card or letterhead.
  6. Provide the student with the exam instructions and any additional information your course may require.
  7. Provide student with the necessary proctor forms (or links to forms) listed below.
  8. Submit the exam to the proctor along with any specific test-taking instructions, including the Student Code of Conduct – Academic Dishonesty [PDF] documentation.


  1. Determine appropriate action if there is an incident regarding academic integrity;
  2. Give permission to reschedule the exam if it is to be outside the scheduled exam dates:
    • Determine whether the exam can be taken outside the scheduled dates
    • Provide access to the exam accordingly
  3. Provide the student with their grade in a timely manner;
  4. Keep documentation and paperwork for proctored exams and proctors.
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