Background Articles

File text/texmacsAcceptance of Mobile Health in Communities Underrepresented in Biomedical Research: Barriers and Ethical Considerations for Scientists
Nebeker C, Murry K, Holub C, et al., "Acceptance of Mobile Health in Communities Underrepresented in Biomedical Research: Barriers and Ethical Considerations for Scientists", JMIR MHealth and UHealth; 5(6): e87 1-7 (2017).
FileBroad consent for health care–embedded biobanking: understanding and reasons to donate in a large patient sample
Ricther G, Krawczak M, Wolfgang l, et al., "Broad consent for health care–embedded biobanking: understanding and reasons to donate in a large patient sample", Genetics in Medicine; e:1-7 (2017).
FileCitizen Science on Your Smartphone
Rothstein M, Wilbanks J, Brothers K, "Citizen Science on Your Smartphone: An ELSI Agenda", Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics; 43:1;897-903 (2015).
Consent Processes for Mobile App Mediated Research
Moore S, Tassé AM, Thorogood A, et al., "Consent Processes for Mobile App Mediated Research: Systematic Review" JMIR Mhealth Uhealth; 5(8):e126 (2017). DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.7014
File C headerEngaging research participants to inform the ethical conduct of mobile imaging, pervasive sensing, and location tracking research
Nebeker C, Lagare T, Takemoto M, et al., "Engaging research participants to inform the ethical conduct of mobile imaging, pervasive sensing, and location tracking research", TBM; 6:577–586 (2016).
Formative Evaluation of Participant Experience With Mobile eConsent in the App-Mediated Parkinson mPower Study
Doerr M, Maguire Truong A, Bot BM, Wilbanks J, et al., "Formative Evaluation of Participant Experience With Mobile eConsent in the App-Mediated Parkinson mPower Study: A Mixed Methods Study", JMIR Mhealth Uhealth; 5(2):e14 (2017). DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.6521
File Octet StreamHealed By His Own Data
Lohrs S, "The Healing Power of Your Own Medical Records", New York Times; April 1, 2015:B1 (2015).
FileMobile Health: Assessing the Barriers
Terry N, "Mobile Health: Assessing the Barriers", CHEST; 147(5):1429-1434 (2015).
File C headerParticipatory Genomic Research
Aungst H, Fishman JR, and McGowan ML, "Participatory Genomic Research: Ethical Issues from the Bottom Up to the Top Down", Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics; 18;357-367 (2017).
FileReimagining Human Research Protections for 21st Century Science
Bloss C, Nebeker C, Bietz M, et al., "Reimagining Human Research Protections for 21st Century Science", Journal of Medical Internet Research; 18(12):e329 1-8 (2016).
File chemical/x-pdbThe Changing Face of Informed Consent
Grady C, Cummings SR, Rowbotham MC, et al., "Informed Consent", The New England Journal of Medicine; 376(9):856-867 (2017).
WGM1-Steven Keating material
This folder contains articles related to Dr. Keating's discussion at the UCSD working group meeting.
WGM1_Steve Hershman material
Articles for Steve Hershman.
WGM1_Sally Okun material
Articles for Sally Okun at WGM1.