Publications & Presentations by Craig Ziegler, MA



Patel P, Kischnick DB, Bickel SG, Ziegler CH, & Miller, KH. Evaluating the utility of peer-assisted learning in pediatrics. Accepted to Medical Science Educator.


Roberts, DM, Reid JR, Conner AL, Barrer S, Miller KH, & Ziegler CH. A replicable model of a health literacy curriculum for a third year clerkship. Accepted to Teaching and Learning in Medicine.


Rowland M, Greenberg R, Elam C, Ziegler C. Medical students and healthcare reform: Perceptions and knowledge. J Kentucky Med Assoc. 2011 109 (4): 16-21.


Roberts JL, Ostapchuk M, Miller KH, & Ziegler CH. What do residents already know about healthcare reform and what should we be teaching them? J Grad Med Educ. 2011, 155-161.


Crump W, Fricker S, & Ziegler CH. Outcomes of a preclinical rural medicine elective at an urban medical school. Family Med. 2010; 42: 717-722.


Hertweck SP, Ziegler CH, & Logsdon MC. Outcome of exposure to community violence in female adolescent. J Ped & Adolescent Gynecology. 2010, 23 (4): 202-208.


Latif R, Chhabra N, Ziegler CH, Turan A, & Carter MB. Teaching surgical airway using fresh cadavers and confirming placement non-surgically. J Clinical Anesthesia. 2010; 22: 598–602


Ostapchuk M, Patel P. Miller KH, Ziegler CH, Greenberg R, & Haynes G. Improving residents’ teaching skills: A program evaluation of residents as teachers course. Medical Teacher.2010; 32 (2): pe49-e56.

URL Link:


Elam CL, Ziegler CH, Greenberg RB, Bailey BA. Assessing perceived professionalism in medical school applicants. College and Universities. 2009; 85 (2): 30-39.


Patel PD, Greenberg RB, Miller KH, Carter MB, & Ziegler CH. Assessing medical students’, residents’, and the public’s perceptions of the uses of personal digital assistants. Med Education Online [serial online]. 2008.13:8.


Logsdon MC, Hertweck P, & Ziegler C, Pinto-Foltz M. Testing a bioecological model to examine social support in postpartum adolescents. J Nursing Scholarship. 2008; 40, (2): 116-123.


Preminger JE & Ziegler CH. Can auditory and visual speech perception be trained within a group setting? American Journal of Audiology.2008; 17: 80-97.


Campbell M, Preminger JE, & Ziegler CH. The effect of age on visual enhancement in adults with hearing loss. J Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology. 2007: 40:11-32.


Publications under Review:


Miller K, Ziegler C. Greenberg R, Patel P, & Carter M. Why physicians should share PDA/Smartphone findings with their patients. J Health Communication International Perspectives.


Hutti M, Armstrong D, Ziegler CH, & Myers J. Healthcare utilization in a pregnancy following a perinatal loss. American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing.