Career Status Definitions

Explanation of Categories I, II and III.

Career Status Definitions

Career Status I

Must fulfill the criteria forBOTHNew Investigator and Early Stage Investigator.

Career Status II

Must fulfill the criteria for New Investigator only.

Career Status III

All other investigators that do not fall into either Career Status I or II, or that have been funded by the School of Medicine Research Committee in the past. A Career Status III faculty member must be without any extramural grant support, including carryover, for at least one year.  Documentation of unsuccessful attempts to obtain extramural support will be required.  The grant application must focus on a NEW area of research and/or new collaborations which might in the future be successful in obtaining extramural funding.

Investigator Descriptions

New Investigator

PD/PI who has never competed successfully for a significant federal (e.g. NIH, NSF, DOD, VA, etc) or private foundation (e.g. American Heart Association, Diabetes Association, etc) independent research grant.  A significant grant is defined as an award of greater than $100,000 for more than two years excluding funding dedicated to salary.

Early Stage Investigator

Fulfills the criteria for New Investigator AND is also within 10 years of completing their terminal research degree or medical residency (or equivalent).