Coming out of undergrad, my GPA was a little bit lower than what most dental schools look for. So I was looking for a program here that could help me kind of strengthen my résumé and that featured some of the first year courses, second year courses that dental schools looked for. So I thought that using a Master’s degree program to kind of leverage my way into a better application status was something that I was interested in. The Master’s degree in Physiology certainly is the reason that I got into dental school, showing that I could be competitive in a professional environment. The mix between the physiology and the biochemistry certainly helped in my first year of classes, and it really felt like most of the information we went over in the dental school I had already learned probably even more in depth in the Master’s degree. It also helped facilitate interactions between the professors. Most of the professors I’d actually had beforehand. The faculty in and of itself really provided great mentorship and leadership. They treat you as colleagues from the time you get in there. They expect a lot out of you, but that’s exactly how the professional school faculty treated us as well. So it was a good transition from that undergraduate professor/student relationship to one of more of colleagues. The program in physiology kind of made me step outside of my comfort zone a little bit, in terms of dealing with faculty in a small setting, leading small groups of students, and I actually kind of used that as a springboard into my dental career. I’ve been VP of our class, the legislative liaison for the School of Dentistry, and I’m the current KDA, which is the Kentucky Dental Association, student representative, and the ASDA representative, which is the American Student Dental Association, representative to the ADA for District 7, which includes most of the Midwest. The Master’s program here at UofL did a very, very good job, I think, of preparing me. I really can’t say enough good things about the program in Physiology and how it has prepared me for dental school.