3D Model of Child's Heart Helps Surgeons Save a Life

hand holding red 3d heart modelA 14 month-old boy Roland Lian Cung Bawi, received life-saving surgery due to a 3D child's heart model. A model that was made possible due to the collaboration of University of Louisville engineers, physicians, and Kosair Children's Hospital.  Once the model was built, Dr. Erle Austin III, cardiothoracic surgeon within the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery at the University of Louisville, was able to develop a surgical plan and repair the heart. Roland was released from Kosair Children’s Hospital Feb. 14 and returned Feb. 21 for checkups with his doctors. His prognosis is good.

“I found the model to be a game changer in planning to do surgery on a complex congenital heart defect,” - Dr. Erle Austin, III.

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