Highlights from the 2014 Faculty Forward Survey

The Faculty Forward Engagement Survey is a faculty satisfaction tool sponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges.  Since 2009, 47 medical schools have administered the survey. Research has established empirical relationships between job satisfaction and engagement and increased organizational performance and faculty retention.  The participating schools are using engagement data to identify faculty needs and drive workplace decision-making.  The survey included 46 questions, two of which were comment fields for the School of  Medicine and departments. The school provided an additional 15 custom questions.

- The U of L School of Medicine response rate was 61.5% as compared to 61% (all faculty Forward Institutions) and 62.5% (our peer group)

- Top scoring areas (responses of Agree/Strongly Agree) included overall job satisfaction, promotion equality, collegiality and collaboration, workplace culture, and relationship with supervisor.

- Concerns emerging from the survey included the leadership’s job in explaining medical school finances to faculty and inadequate protected time for research/scholarship.

A Faculty Forward Task Force is addressing these concerns and will be crafting strategies for improvement. If you have questions about the survey, contact Jill Suttles, vice dean for faculty affairs and advancement.