Emergency Preparedness and Active Shooter Training - November 30, 2016

 Emergency Preparedness and Active Shooter Training

Presented by Major Aaron Graham 


The SMART program topic for November is Emergency Preparedness and Active Shooter Training.  The Presenter is Major Aaron Graham of the University of Louisville Police Department’s Support Services. Major Graham has been involved with the University’s Police Department since January 2010 and has been thoroughly involved in accreditation initiatives, researched and wrote grants that provided the ULPD with over $200,000 for the purchase of equipment, and helped to expand the Active Shooter education to ensure policy and protocol for these potential situations are understood and available to all in the University.

If an active shooter showed up in your building, would you know what to do? Even in this terrifying situation, there are simple steps you can take to protect yourself and ensure your survival. This training will delve into the basics of what you need to know, and what it means to Run, Hide, and Fight. This training will help you develop a plan of action and prepare for the worst. 

Click here to download this program's Powerpoint.