Richard Weaver

Richard Weaver


From: Indianapolis, Indiana

Started the UL Kent doctoral program: Summer 2017

Area of research interest:
Sports social work with a focus on intercollegiate athletes.

Mentor: Dr. Adrian Archuleta

University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work

Current position:  PHD Candidate


Tredinnick, L., Newman, T., Dillard, R., Coxe, K., Weaver, R., and Reynolds, J. “College sport participation, conformity to masculine norms, and student attitudes toward sexual relationships” Under review

Archuleta, A., Purdy, L., Weaver, R., and Nunez, S. “It’s who you know: Access to occupational prestige, social capital, and career engagement among Latinx college students” Journal of Latinos and Education, Under review

Weaver, R., & Reynolds, J. “Social work ethics and intercollegiate student-athlete retention” The Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, Vol. 17, IS. 1, 2020

Capano, A., Weaver, R., & Burkman, E. “Evaluation of the effects of cbd hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study” Postgraduate Medicine, Fall, 2019

Conference Presentations

“Examining sport participation, hegemonic masculinity, and college student attitudes toward sexual relationships,” Alliance of Social Workers in Sports Fifth Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 2019.

“A theoretical model of anxiety development in female student-athletes,” Alliance of Social Workers in Sports Fifth Annual Conference, poster presentation, Denver, CO, October 2019.

 “The experience of coping with psychological and emotional stressors for female collegiate athletes,” Alliance of Social Workers in Sports Fifth Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 2019.

“Establishing boundaries and social work ethics in sport,” Homecoming 2019: Sport Social Work, Ball State University, October 2019.

“Conflicts of athletic identity: examining intercollegiate female athletic identity and developmental transitions,” 15th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2019.

“Sustaining professional boundaries in college athletics,” National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National Convention, presenter, West Palm Beach, FL, March 2019.

“Social work informed theoretical model of student-athlete retention,” Alliance of Social Work in Sports Fourth Annual Conference, poster presentation, Orlando, FL, November 2018.