Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


Report of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to the Faculty Senate – September 2, 2015


The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on June 17, 2015 and August 19, 2015.   The Executive Committee also conducted an email vote after the August 19 meeting, discussed below.


At the August 19, the following items were presented/discussed and approved:

  • Reports from standing committees
  • Action item: The Executive Committee was asked to review minor proposed changes to the School of Nursing bylaws and promotion and tenure documents suggested by University Counsel.  The Faculty Senate had already approved the documents for review by the Board of Trustees, and the School of Nursing sought final approval by the Board of Trustees at its August meeting.  The Executive Committee agreed to request expedited review by the Redbook Committee to verify that the changes were minor, insubstantial, and did not affect faculty welfare.  The School of Nursing faculty had agreed that the changes were minor. The Redbook Committee agreed the changes were minor and voted to approve the changes last week.  The Executive Committee affirmed this recommendation from the Redbook Committee and forwarded this recommendation to the Provost.

The Chair requested the Redbook Committee to develop a mechanism for input from University Counsel before final Redbook approval and presentation to the full Faculty Senate.


At the June 17, 2015 meeting, the following items were presented/discussed:

  • Reports from standing committees
  • A vote to agree with the recommendations of the Planning and Budget Committee regarding two proposed Centers
  • A new business discussion of the work of the General Education Committee


Submitted by Enid Trucios-Haynes,

Professor of Law, Vice Chair of Faculty Senate and

Chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee