Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


For reference, Robert's Rules of Order is available from University Libraries, here.

Bylaws of the University of Louisville Faculty Senate

As approved by Faculty Senate: February 6,1980

Amended by Faculty Senate: March 7, 1984; April 3, 1985; July 2, 1986; December 4, 1991; April 1, 1992; December 6, 1995; January 10, 1996; April 2, 1997; July 7, 1999; November 7, 2001; May 01, 2002; April 3, 2024


  1. NAME
    The name of this organization shall be the University of Louisville Faculty Senate, hereinafter called the Faculty Senate.
    The Faculty Senate shall be the official representative of the Faculty of the University. The responsibilities and powers of the Faculty Senate are delineated in Section 3.4.2.A of The Redbook.
      For the purposes of Faculty Senate representation, the following definitions apply:
      1. A “unit” means an academic unit listed in The Redbook, Section 3.1.1, except the Graduate School. At the time of these Bylaws, there are twelve units listed in Section 3.1.1.
      2. “Faculty” means all full-time University of Louisville personnel holding academic rank in the University.
      3. “Unit Faculty” shall be as defined in The Redbook, Section 3.3.1. Persons with joint or dual appointments shall be counted as faculty in the unit in which they hold their primary faculty appointment.
      4. “Graduate School faculty” means faculty holding their primary appointment in the Graduate School.
      5. “University Libraries faculty” means faculty holding appointment in the Central Library and the Biomedical Learning Resources Center and all other members of the University Libraries whose primary appointment is not in another unit.
      6. “Part-time faculty” means everyone who is paid under a contract to teach courses for credit within an academic unit but who is not entitled to elect faculty representatives to the Faculty Senate under Section 3.4.2.B of The Redbook.
      7. “Total Faculty” means the number of the University’s full-time faculty.
      1. The total voting membership of the Faculty Senate shall not exceed 70.
      2. The Staff Senate and the Student Senate shall each have one ex officio voting member and one ex officio nonvoting member. In the absence of the voting member, the nonvoting member may vote.
      3. Each unit shall have at least two voting senators to be elected by the full-time faculty of the unit.
      4. Part-time faculty senators have full voting rights.
      5. The number of additional senators to be elected by the respective faculty of the units shall be determined as follows:
        1. The number of senators from each unit as provided by Section III.B.3 and the voting members from the Staff and Student Senate shall be subtracted from 64.
        2. The number of each unit faculty shall be divided by the total faculty and the result multiplied by the number of senate seats available determined by Section III.B.4.a. Such numbers, if fractional, shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. In the event that the above formulation results in a voting membership of the Faculty Senate in excess of 64, the Committee on Committees and Credentials shall reduce the total number to 64 by sequentially removing one senator each from those units with the largest representation, beginning with the largest unit. No more than one senator shall be removed from any one unit at the time of reapportionment.
      The reapportionment of the Faculty Senate shall be made during the fall semester of 1979 and every fall semester thereafter and shall be effective at the next regular election of senators, except that implementation of any reapportionment that would result in the removal of elected senators shall be delayed to the extent that they may complete their terms.
      1. Senators shall be elected by their unit faculties for terms of three years. If a vacancy occurs in the Faculty Senate, the unit shall select a replacement in conformity with the rules of the unit, which shall be filed with the Secretary to the Faculty Senate. Regular elections of senators shall be completed prior to April 1 each year. Newly elected senators shall assume office at the Annual meeting following their election, except those filling vacancies shall assume office upon selection by the unit. The body of senators whose term continues beyond the next annual meeting and of newly elected senators shall be designated the Newly Elected Faculty Senate during the period from April1 until the Annual Meeting.
      2. Part-time senators shall be elected for three-year terms, provided that the faculty member maintains continued employment at the University for two terms during each academic year the faculty member serves on the senate. Any part-time senator who loses his or her status as a member of the part-time faculty for more than one term per academic year shall no longer be eligible to serve, and the remaining part-time representatives shall select another current member of the part-time faculty as a substitute.
      The President of the University, Vice Presidents, the Faculty Grievance Officer, the Assistant Vice President for Student Services and Registrar and deans of units shall be ex officio nonvoting members of the Faculty Senate and shall not be eligible to be elected as faculty representatives or elected or appointed as voting members of the Faculty Senate committees.
      Senators have a duty to their unit to attend meetings of the Faculty Senate and meetings of Senate committees of which they are members. After two consecutive absences by a senator, the Chair of the Faculty Senate shall remind the senator of the senator’s obligation to attend meetings. If absences continue, the Chair shall inform the senator’s unit faculty.
      Voting senators may be removed from office only by vote of their units in accordance with unit procedures.
    1. NAMES
      The officers of the Faculty Senate shall be a Chair and a Vice Chair elected from the voting faculty members. In addition, there shall be a Parliamentarian.
        1. To act as the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate and to appoint and discharge ad hoc committees.
        2. To issue the call for and chair each regular and special meeting.
        3. To serve as a member of the University of Louisville Board of Trustees, with all rights, privileges and restrictions, pertaining thereto.
        4. To inform the Board of Trustees of the concerns of the faculty and to report to the faculty those actions the Board of Trustees which affect the faculty.
        5. To draft the annual academic report which shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate at the annual meeting.
        6. To sit as an ex officio voting member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
        7. To sit as an ex officio nonvoting member of all other Faculty Senate committees, except the Committee on Committees and Credentials.
        8. To remind absent senators of their obligation to attend meetings and if necessary inform the senator’s unit faculty according to Section III.F.
        9. To call the first meeting of every standing committee after each annual meeting.
        10. To oversee and assign appropriate duties to the staff of the Faculty Senate.
        1. To act as the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate and to assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent.
        2. To assist the Chair of the Faculty Senate as called upon by that officer.
        3. To sit as an ex officio voting member and to Chair the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
        4. To attend meetings of the Board of Trustees in the absences of the Chair, subject to the rules of the Board of Trustees.
        To advise the Chair of the Faculty Senate on all matters of parliamentary procedure.
      1. The Committee on Committees and Credentials of the Faculty Senate shall nominate at lest two senators for the position of Chair. These names shall be circulated to the entire faculty at least one week prior to the meeting at which the election will take place.
      2. The Committee on Committees and Credentials of the Faculty Senate shall nominate at least two senators for the position of Vice Chair. These names shall be circulated at least one week prior to the meeting at which the election will take place.
      3. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate and shall serve at the Chair’s pleasure. The Parliamentarian need not be a senator.
      1. The election of the Chair and regular election of the Vice Chair shall be held at the Special Election Meeting of the Faculty Senate.
      2. Nominations may be made from the floor, provided prior agreement of the nominee has been obtained.
      3. To ensure the widest possible participation in Faculty Senate elections, electronic ballots will be distributed to all voting members of the Newly Elected Faculty Senate as soon as practicable following the Special Election Meeting, at which the slate becomes final after the opportunity for nominations from the floor. To be counted, electronic ballots must be registered within forty-eight (48) hours of their distribution.
      4. In lieu of a Teller's report, individual candidates will be provided with the voting tally for their race upon request to the chair of the Committee on Committees & Credentials.
      5. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve for a term of one year and may succeed themselves. They shall assume office at the Annual Meeting.
      1. In the event that it is necessary to fill the office of Chair during the term of the incumbent, the Vice Chair shall assume the office of Chair.
      2. In the event that it is necessary to fill the office of Vice Chair during the term of the incumbent, the Faculty Senate shall elect a new Vice Chair under the provisions of Section IV.C and IV.D as soon as possible. The Vice Chair shall assume office upon election.
      Elected officers of the Faculty Senate may be removed from office only upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire voting membership.
      The Faculty Senate shall hold regular monthly meetings on the first Wednesday, except in January, when it shall meet the second Wednesday unless a majority of the entire voting membership shall choose a different date. The Faculty Senate does not meet regularly in August.
      A special meeting in May of the Newly Elected Faculty Senate shall be designated as the Special Election Meeting, at which time officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected.
      The regular September meeting shall be designated as the Annual Meeting, at which time officers and members of the committees shall take office.
      Special meetings may be called by the Chair of the Faculty Senate. Special meetings shall be called by the Chair upon written petition of a minimum of sixteen elected senators. In either case, written notice stating the purpose of the meeting shall be given to all members at least three days prior to the meeting date, not including weekends and official university holidays. Upon petition of a majority of the entire voting membership, the Chair shall call a meeting within twenty-four hours and give as much notice as possible.
    5. QUORUM
      Forty percent (40%) of the entire voting membership shall constitute a quorum.
      Attendance at meetings is open to anyone unless closed in accordance with law. Visitors and ex officio members shall be excluded from Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate Committee meetings if the meeting is closed in accordance with law.
      Minutes of all meetings of the Faculty Senate and its committees shall list attending and absent members separately. Others attending shall also be listed.
      1. Regular elections to the Faculty Senate Standing Committees shall be conducted by the Newly Elected Faculty Senate at the Special Election Meeting. To ensure the widest possible participation in Faculty Senate elections, electronic ballots will be distributed to all voting members of the Newly Elected Faculty Senate as soon as practicable following the Special Election Meeting, at which the slate becomes final after the opportunity for nominations from the floor. To be counted, electronic ballots must be registered within forty-eight (48) hours of their distribution. In lieu of a Teller's report, individual candidates will be provided with the voting tally for their race upon request to the chair of the Committee on Committees & Credentials. The slates for the election shall be made available to the Newly Elected Faculty Senate at least two weeks prior to the election. Special elections to fill vacancies shall be held as soon as practicable. Candidates for Committees are encouraged to submit brief statements regarding their particular expertise to serve on the Committee.
      2. Committee members are elected by the Faculty Senate, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws. Members elected to fill vacancies shall begin serving upon election. Members not elected to fill vacancies shall begin serving at the Annual Meeting. Whenever the term of office is longer than one year, terms will be staggered so that all terms do not expire during any one year.
      3. All senators are required, by the end of the second year of their term, to run for election to a position on any committee to which the Senate elects members.
      4. No more than two faculty members representing one unit (as defined in Section III.A.1) may be elected to any one committee, unless otherwise specified in the charge to the committee. Committee members who will be absent from the campus for a semester or more will be replaced through routine Committee on Committees and Credentials procedures.
      5. The first meeting of each Standing Committee shall be called by the Chair of the Faculty Senate within one month of the Faculty Senate Annual Meeting. The Chair of each committee shall be elected by a majority vote of the committee membership at this meeting, unless otherwise specified in the charge to the committee. At this time each committee shall also elect a member who is a Faculty Senator to serve on the Executive Committee.
      6. All Faculty Senate standing Committees except the Committee on Committees and Credentials are encouraged to meet at least one time per month when there is sufficient business for the Committee to conduct.
      7. Minutes shall be kept by all committees, filed with the Faculty Senate Secretary, and sent to the members of the committee, the Provost, and both the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate. Attendance must be taken at committee meetings and included in the committee minutes. An annual report of the activities of each committee shall be made by its Chair to the Faculty Senate by the Annual Meeting.
      8. In the case of other committees external to the Faculty Senate for which the Faculty Senate has been asked to recommend faculty representatives, these representatives shall report annually to the Executive Committee the activities of the respective committees.
      9. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all Faculty Senate Committees in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order which the Faculty Senate may adopt unless different rules were adopted in writing by at least two-thirds of the membership of the committee.
          1. To consider and advise the Faculty Senate on general faculty business not assigned to other Faculty Senate committees.
          2. To set the agenda for the Faculty Senate.
          3. To coordinate the work of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees, and to transmit to them the information received for review, study or recommendation.
          4. To have jurisdiction in the assignment of topics for review to the appropriate Faculty Senate committee.
          5. To appoint ad hoc committees when appropriate, and/or when the subject is outside the purview of the Standing Committees.
          6. To serve as the representative faculty committee for consultations on vice-presidential candidates, except in those instances in which The Redbook designates a special committee.
          7. To consider and advise the Faculty Senate specifically in regard to policies and actions affecting the University’s service to segments of our community under represented on our faculty or in our student body.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          1. There shall be five at-large members elected from the membership of the Faculty Senate. Only Faculty Senators are eligible for election to this committee. No more than two individuals from any unit can elected to the at-large seats.
          2. There shall be one voting member who is elected by the standing committee representing each standing committee, with the exception of the Planning and Budget Committee, which shall have two elected voting members. Members elected by the standing committees must be faculty senators.
          3. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate shall chair this committee and is an ex officio voting member.
          4. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall be an ex officio voting member.
          5. The Provost (or other Presidential designee) shall be an ex officio non-voting member.
          6. The immediate past-Chair shall be an ex officio member. If continuing as a Faculty Senator, he/she shall have voting privileges.
          7. The Student and Staff Senates shall each have one ex officio non-voting member.
          8. The total membership of this committee shall not exceed eighteen.
        3. TERM OF OFFICE
          1. At-large members shall serve staggered three year terms.
          2. No individual may serve more than two successive full-terms as an at-large member.
          1. To reapportion the Faculty Senate according to the approved Faculty Senate guidelines.
          2. To define vacancies on the Faculty Senate and/or Faculty Senate Committees as temporary or permanent.
          3. To recommend to the Faculty Senate the establishment of methods to fill vacancies.
          4. To have jurisdiction in the case of disputed elections and to recommend to the Faculty Senate the resolution of the disputes.
          5. To review Faculty Senate representation challenges and to recommend to the Faculty Senate resolution of the challenges.
          6. To be responsible for the creation of all slates for Faculty Senate elections.
          7. To conduct elections of officers of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate committees.
          8. To create slates for elections held by the Faculty Assembly, wit the advice of the Faculty Senate.
          9. To review the Faculty Senate standing committee structure each fifth year, beginning in 1990.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          There shall be five members elected from the membership of the Faculty Senate, one of whom must be a part-time faculty senator. Only faculty senators are eligible for election to this committee. Not more than one representative may be elected from any unit.
        3. TERM OF OFFICE
          1. Members shall serve staggered two-year terms.
          2. A member whose Faculty Senate term expires before the term on the committee expires may fulfill the term on the committee.
          1. To develop and to recommend to the Faculty Senate criteria for the evaluation of proposals for academic programs based upon approved Faculty Senate guidelines.
          2. To receive academic programs proposed by academic units, and to review these in relation to existing programs, support services, and the stated University mission. Financial aspects of the proposed program will be reviewed with the assistance of the Chair of the Budget, Finance and Economic Welfare Committee (Planning and Budget).
          3. To review any academic program being proposed for elimination, or those for major alterations in structure.
          4. To report to and recommend to the Faculty Senate action to be taken on all proposed programs and program elimination.
          5. To monitor any academic programs as directed by the Faculty Senate.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          1. There shall be nine voting members, at least five of whom must be Faculty Senators. The nine elected members shall include at least one member from each of the following units: Arts and Sciences, Speed School, Education, Business, and Medicine. No more than two members shall represent any unit.
          2. The Executive Vice President and Provost, or designee, shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member.
          3. The Stdent and Staff Senates shall each have one ex officio non-voting member.
        3. TERM OF OFFICE
          All elected members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
          1. To carry on strategic and long-range planning and budget processes and to make recommendations on priorities to the Faculty Senate.
          2. To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on budget issues, which shall include, but not be limited to, faculty salaries and benefits, retirement plans, and budget matters pertaining to academic programs and priorities.
          3. To determine and report faculty priorities regarding academic issues and economic welfare through review of existing survey data or through new surveys as requested by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
          4. To receive reports on behalf of the Senate from University and external sources on budgetary and planning matters and to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          1. There shall be seven voting members: four elected by the Faculty Senate and three appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Executive Committee. Persons elected or appointed to this committee should have a broad expertise in academic matters, an interest in financial affairs, and the ability to analyze budgetary documents. At least four voting members must be Faculty Senators. No more than two voting members from a single unit shall serve on the committee at one time.
          2. Non-voting (ex officio) members shall include: the Chair and Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate; the University Executive Vice President and Provost (or designee); a representative from Staff Senate and the Student Government Association; and the Vice President for Finance (or designee).
          1. All elected and appointed members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
          2. The Chair of the Planning and Budget Committee (or designee) shall be one of the Senate’s representatives on the Human Resources Advisory Committee.
          3. The Chair and another member of the Planning and Budget Committee (who is a Faculty Senator) shall serve as liaisons to the Executive Committee. The Chair and the liaisons will be elected at the start of each academic year.
          1. To advise the Faculty Senate and its committees on matters concerning The Redbook.
          2. To recommend changes in The Redbook to the Faculty Senate, including changes, which will keep The Redbook internally consistent with current administrative structures.
          3. To examine all merit, appointment, promotion and tenure documents and unit bylaws to ensure consistency with the Minimum Guidelines Documents.
          4. To study all Minimum Guidelines Documents and to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning the same.
          5. To review regularly and to recommend changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws as to their currency, internal consistency and consistency with The Redbook.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          There shall be seven voting members; five elected by the Faculty Senate (at least four of whom must be faculty senators), and two appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Executive Committee.
        3. TERM OF OFFICE
          Members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
          1. To advise the Faculty Senate on matters concerning part-time faculty.
          2. To recommend action on policies affecting part-time faculty.
          3. To conduct the election of faculty senators from the part-time faculty.
        2. MEMBERSHIP
          There shall be nine voting members: the six senators from the part-time faculty and three others elected by the Faculty Senate, two of whom must be faculty senators.
        3. TERM OF OFFICE
          1. The six senators from the part-time faculty shall serve on the Committee for the duration of their terms as senators.
          2. The remaining members shall serve staggered two-year terms.
    The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Faculty Senate in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order, which the Faculty Senate may adopt.
    These Bylaws can be amended only at any regular meeting of the Faculty Senate, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at least one week prior to the previous regular meeting and discussed at that meeting. Approval requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire voting membership of the Faculty Senate.
    These Bylaws and any amendment hereto shall be effective upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
    The invalidation of any portion of these Bylaws shall not affect the validity of any other portion of the Bylaws.