Life goes on, even after the school bus stops coming!

By Heidi Cooley-Cook


As individuals with autism get older, focus shifts and parents/caregivers begin a new journey with their loved one as they transition out of school and into adulthood.


This path may go in a variety of directions, but the ultimate goal is for independence. Independence will look different for each individual, but with the proper supports, adults with autism can be active and engaged members of their communities!


This Fall/Winter, the KATC will host a webinar series devoted to this transition. We will discuss housing options, services and supports available through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and will explore what Supported Employment should look like. I also invite you to view the archived webinar by KATC’s Program Coordinator, Diandre Glover -Thomas, entitled “Supporting Students with ASD at Postsecondary Institutions” as a large group of students exiting high school will head off to college!


I hope that this series is helpful to you as you begin this journey and that with the provided information, you encounter fewer roadblocks and detours along the way!


Heidi Cooley-Cook

Family Field Training Coordinator

Kentucky Autism Training Center



Heidi Cooley-Cook is a Family Field Training Coordinator for the KY Autism Training Center where she provides direct training and technical assistance to families.


KY Autism Training Center Summer 2014 Newsletter August 2014