Absence Notification

Students and instructors are encouraged to deal directly with one another concerning all student absences. However, in the event students find they must be away from classes due to a sudden illness, emergency, or death in the family and are unable to make contact with their instructor(s), they may request an Instructor Notification by contacting the Dean of Students Office (DOS).

The student will be required to provide their name, student identification number, and the circumstances surrounding their absence. The DOS will contact the student’s instructors and pass along the information received. Absence notifications cannot be sent retroactively.

When the DOS agrees to issue absence notices for students, these notices do not “excuse” the absence, nor do they guarantee that the student will be permitted to make up tests or other missed assignments. Those decisions can be made only by the student’s instructor. The absence notices simply document that the student’s illness or other circumstances indicate that the student is unable to participate in class for the designated period of time.

Once a student has returned to campus -- no matter what the reason for the absence -- it is the student’s responsibility to contact each professor and make arrangements to make up missed assignments or exams.

Upon returning to class, students should be prepared to provide their instructors with a doctor’s statement or other similar documentation regarding their need to miss class.

To reference the Class Attendance Policy, please refer to the policies of the academic unit.

University Excused Absence for University Sanctioned events