
2017-2018 Goals

Campus Climate Committee

  1.  Self-Defense Training on Campus: The CC committee has identified a need on campus for self-defense training that currently cannot be accommodated by DPS because of limited staff and space. The CC committee discussed wanting to forward a new training that is less restrictive than the RAD model. The CC committee also intends to explore partnering with a campus martial arts groups. Other recommendations include the CC committee advocating for the reinstitution of a credited self-defense class.
  2. Partnership with PEACC: Last year, we discussed ways to support the PEACC center and would like to work closely with Tisha Pletcher this year to create a sustainable relationship that promotes PEACC’s work.


Communications Committee

Design, produce, and distribute two newsletters during the year, one in the fall and one in the spring, to raise awareness of and share information about COSW and women at UofL. 

  1. Design, produce, and position 6-8 yard signs during the year to raise awareness of and share information about COSW and women at UofL. 
  2. Identify 1-2 new ways to raise awareness of and share information about COSW and women at UofL, exploring the use of a Listserv and participating in new faculty and staff orientation.
  3. Design and produce regular end-of-commission-tenure awards and one lifetime recognition award of a current or former commissioner who has made a significant contribution to women. 
  4. Plan and produce a Belknap COSW Open House to raise awareness of and share information about COSW and women at UofL. 
  5. Revise and update the website to make it more user-friendly and informative. 
  6. Identify ways to centralize and create efficiencies in internal information sharing, including the use of a shared drive and useful redundancies in programs and processes. 


Integration of Work and Family

  1. Push the lactation policy towards official approval, including identification of persons who will be responsible for ensuring implementation and ongoing compliance.
  2. Address the lack/limited access to personal hygiene products on both campuses
  3. Review current telecommuting/ flexible work schedule policies across both campus for both exempt and nonexempt employees and possible move towards creating university-wide policies (currently determined at the unit level.) HR was working on a telecommuting policy for staff, but it is not clear that it was approved.
  4. Identify a guest speaker that will speak specifically on the topic of work-life balance for May's general body meeting (which IWF is hosting).
  5. Review U of L’s current FMLA policy as compared to other similar policies at benchmark institutions and evaluate how current FMLA might impact tenure-track, clinical, graduate assistants, and staff member’s path to promotion.


Representation, Recruitment, and Retention

  1.  2015-16 Cohort Brochure – data analysis and format design
  2. Analysis of staff salary data
  3. Analysis of faculty data
  • New faculty hires
  • Promotions
  • Faculty and staff salary
  •  PLAN April COSW meeting
  • Identify new goals for upcoming year (e.g., identification of ways to facilitate pathways to staff promotion)