Selected Publications

Selected Biology Education Publications

Casper, A. M., R. A. Atadero, L. Fuselier.  2022.  Revealing the queer spectrum in STEM through robust demographic data collection in undergraduate engineering and computer science courses at four institutions. PLOS ONE

Ray King, K*., L. Fuselier and H. Sirvisetty*.  2021.  LGBTQIA+ invisibility in nursing anatomy/physiology textbooks. Journal of Professional Nursing. 37:816-827.

Humrick, K.* and L. Fuselier.  2021. Content knowledge and Social Factors Influence Student Moral Reasoning About CRISPR/Cas9 in Humans.  Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1:1-32

McFadden, J. and L. Fuselier.  2020.  Graduate teaching assistants:  sharing epistemic agency with non-science majors in the biology laboratory.  Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research.

Novick, L. R. and L. Fuselier. 2019.  Perception and conception in understanding evolutionary trees.  Cognition 192. 

Fuselier, L., P. Eason, J. K. Jackson and S. Spaulding*.  2018.  Images of objective knowledge construction in sexual selection chapters of evolution textbooks.  Science & Education

Fuselier, LC., R. Detmering and T. Porter.  2017.  Contextualizing and scaling-up science information literacy in introductory biology laboratories.  Science & Technology Libraries 36(2)

Fuselier, L., J.K. Jackson and R. Stoiko*.  2016. Social and rational:  the presentation of nature of science and the uptake of change in evolution textbooks.  Science Education 100(2):239–265.

Selected Biology Publications

Fuselier, L. and M. Carreiro.  2022.  Emergence and establishment of mosses and ferns from spore banks after exposure to glyphosate and two bioherbicides. The Bryologist 125(2): 352-361.

Fuselier, L. and M. McCool*.  2022. Density-dependent rhizoidal tuber production in a non-native, male-biased population of Gemmabryum klinggraeffii (Schimper) J.R. Spence, H.P. Ramsay.  Journal of Bryology.

Carreiro, M., L. Fuselier and M. Waltman.  2020.  Efficacy and Non-Target Effects of Glyphosate and Organic Herbicides for Invasive Vine Control.  Natural Areas Journal, 40(2): 1-13.

Studlar, S.M. and L. Fuselier.  2018.  The 2016 Crum Workshop: Bryophytes of the Red River Gorge Geological Area, Kentucky.  Evansia 35(1).

Fuselier, L., M. Carriero, , and L. Nason*.  2018. Invasive Species Management Impacts on Native and Nonnative Ferns in an Urban Forest Spore Bank.  Castanea (Mar 2018) 83(1):28-37.


*Asterisks indicate graduate or undergraduate student coauthors.