- Contemporary World’s Classics: Political Science Series

Series Editor:  Shiping Hua, The University of Louisville, The United States of America

 This series translates western political science books into Chinese and it is published by Renmin University Press in China. 

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 The following books have been published:

  1)    "The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century," by Samuel P. Huntington. [第三波:20世纪晚期的民主化浪T潮] 塞缪尔•P•亨廷顿

2)         "The Rise of European Liberalism," by Harold Laski. [欧洲自由主义的兴起]  []哈罗德•J•拉斯基

3)         "Containing Nationalism," by Michael Hechter. [遏制民族主义] 迈克尔• 赫克特

4)         “The State of Democratic Theory,” by Ian Shapiro. [民主理论的现状] 伊恩•夏皮罗

5)         "Capitalism and Social Democracy," by Adam Przerworski. [资本主义与社会民主]  亚当•普热沃尔斯基

6)         “Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power,” Joseph S. Nye. [美国注定领导世界:美国权力性质的变迁]约瑟夫•S•

7)         “Interest Group Society,” by Jeffrey M. Berry.  [利益集团社会] 杰弗里•M•贝瑞

8)         “On Democracy,” by Robert Dahl. [论民主] 罗伯特•A•达尔

9)         “Modern Political Analysis,” by Robert Dahl.  [现代政治分析 ] 罗伯特•A•达尔

10)       “Making Democracy Work,” by Robert Putnam  [使民主运转起来]                                       [美]罗伯特•普特南

11)       How Democratic Is the American Constitution?” Robert Dahl[美国宪法的民主批判] 罗伯特•A•达尔

12)       "The Constitution of Society," by Anthony Giddens, [社会的构成 ]安东尼•吉登斯

13)       “On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution on International Society,” by Andrew Hurrell[论全球秩序:权力,价值和国际社会的构成 ]              安德鲁•赫里尔

14)       “Democracy and Its Critics,” by Robert Dahl[民主及其批判 ] 罗伯特•A•达尔

15)       "Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age," by Anthony Giddens. [现代性与自我认同 ] 安东尼•吉登斯

16)       Justice system: Morality and Political Logic of Welfare State 正义的制度: 全民福利国家的道德和政治逻辑], 罗斯坦,

17)       On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution on International Society, by Andrew Hurrell, originally published by Oxford University Press. 全球秩序与全球治理, 

18)       Introduction to Political Sociology by Anthony Orum originally published by Roxbury Pub Co.  政治社会学。 

19)       Modern Political Analysis, Robert Dahl, second printing, 2019.  Second Edition, 当代政治分析。

20)       Welfare State Transformations: Comparative Perspectives, Martin Seeleib –Kaiser , 2020, 福利国家的变迁