Faculty Assembly Minutes, October 22, 1997

College of Arts and Sciences



October 22, 1997

Registering Attendance:

Aerospace Science:                      K. Lester
Anthropology:                           E. Segal
Biology:                                C. Covell, D. Rountree
Chemistry:                              J. Richardson
Communication:                          S. Willihnganz
CML:                                    W. Cunningham, S. Jourdain, G. Zinn
English:                                D. Billingsley, D. Hall, K. Mullen
Fine Arts:                              S. Maloney
Geo/Geos:                               C. Leuthart
History:                                J. Cumbler, J. Morrell, N. Theriot
Humanities:                             M. Stenger
Pan African Studies:                    M. Dogbe
Philosophy:                             T. Maloney, D. Masolo
Political Science:                      M. Hawkesworth
Psychology:                             J. Beggan
Theatre Arts:                           A. Harris
Visitors:                               D. Baugh, J. Carter, R. Taylor

Professor Harris, Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm.

The Chair recognized Professor Segal, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, 
who reported that the committee recommended against item 8 (Academic 
Bankruptcy) in the proposed undergraduate policies.  He described those parts 
of the proposed policy which the committee did not support, and noted that the 
committee had proposed alternate wording for the policy.

Discussion included Professors T. Maloney and Cumbler and Dr. Carter.

Hearing no further discussion, the Chair put the question on the committee 
recommendation to reject the proposed policy in the Undergraduate Initiative 
Report.  The motion carried.

The Chair then asked if there was further discussion on the alternate policy 
on academic bankruptcy as proposed by the Curriculum Committee.

Professor Maloney moved to amend the committee's policy by addition of the 
word "consecutive" in the second sentence.  The sentence would then read 
"Under this policy, students (if approved) may void one or more entire 
consecutive semesters of college work."  The motion to amend was seconded.

Hearing no call for further discussion, the Chair put the question and the 
motion, as amended, carried.

The Chair stated that item 9 in the committee report had been tabled at the 
last meeting.  A motion to remove from the table was made and seconded.  The 
motion to remove item 9, the proposed policy on warning, probation, and 
suspension, from the table carried.

The Chair recognized Professor Segal, who said that the Curriculum Committee 
recommended against approval of the proposed policy.

Discussion included Professor Howarth.

Hearing no further discussion, the Chair put the question and the motion of 
the Curriculum Committee to reject item 9 carried.

The Chair asked if there was new business.

Professor Willihnganz spoke briefly about College response to the teaching 
evaluation guidelines in the personnel policy.

Discussion included Professors Billingsley, Segal, Maloney, Hawkesworth, and 

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.