Monday Memo December 11, 2017

Dean's Message

Dear Colleagues:

As you are no doubt aware, the House of Representatives and the Senate have each passed tax reform bills. While there are many implications for higher education in both bills, we wanted to address, in particular, the provision affecting graduate student funding. The current tax code does not tax tuition waivers for graduate students. The recently passed House bill changes this provision such that tuition waivers would be counted as taxable income. The Senate bill does not change the current provision. The House and Senate are in the process of reconciling this and other differences. Students are understandably asking how this will impact them, but unfortunately at this point, we have no answers. The consequences of the House bill’s provision would have a significant impact on graduate students, and on our collective efforts to recruit and train the next generation of scholars.

SIGS and the university’s lobbying group have been working legislatively to communicate the impact this tax would have on graduate education and to speak against provisions in the House tax reform bill. If you would like to add your voice, please contact your representative and Senators McConnell and Paul to share your thoughts on the importance of protecting graduate education. Time is of the essence as Congressional leadership is hoping to deliver a bill to President Trump very soon. As a reminder, if you have questions about university guidelines on contacting elected representatives, consult with Shannon Rickett, Assistant Vice President for Government Relations (852-4876 or


Janet Woodruff-Borden
Associate Dean for Graduate Education


Monday Memo on hiatus until January 8
Please note that there will not be a Monday Memo until the first Monday after the Winter break which falls on January 8. 

Winter break comes early to faculty and staff
The University is extending winter break to include the entire day off on Friday, Dec. 22, in hopes that you may enjoy more time with loved ones. Please check with your supervisor to ensure this opportunity applies to you. Employees who are required to work on Friday will be compensated appropriately. This is a one-time event and not a permanent change to the university schedule.

Graduation is Friday, Dec 15, 7pm at the Yum! Center
Take the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our students.  More than 1,200 University of Louisville students will graduate this semester and over 900 are expected to take part in the Dec. 15 winter commencement at the KFC Yum! Center. UofL Interim President Gregory Postel will preside at the 7 p.m. event. Some free parking is available on surface streets near the center and paid parking is available in the center’s garage and other nearby garages.

A&S is still accepting Dare to Care food donations
You can drop off your Dare to Care donations to the A&S Dean’s Office in Gardiner Hall until 12/14.  

In the News

Forest gumption: How scientists are tapping everything from drones to pruning shears to stem global warming (Christian Science Monitor, 12/3) – Steve Yanoviak (Biology) on the population increase of one ant species in Panama. 

UofL researchers develop novel flu virus and disease detection method (Insider Louisville, 12/7) – Sergio Mendes (Physics & Astronomy) on lasers and electricity research to detect the flu.