Monday Memo January 11, 2016

Message from the Dean

Dear A&S Colleagues:

The College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Louisville is the largest academic unit and arguably the most vital to the health and well-being of the University and the community-at-large, yet our size and the scope of what we do makes it difficult for us to tell our story. That’s where The Thinker, our new annual print and electronic communication piece, comes in. With it, we hope to give our friends and supporters a peak into A&S – the very heart of UofL.

I hope you enjoy The Thinker. Please feel free to forward it on to students, friends and family. Additionally, I invite you to stay connected electronically with A&S by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or just by regularly visiting our ever-changing website at

Thanks for all you do, and my best to you and yours in 2016,

Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Dean


Inclusive Teaching Circles forming for spring 2016

The Inclusive Teaching Circles program provides an opportunity for faculty and staff to meet regularly to discuss the meaning and practice of inclusive teaching. Cohort I meets on Wednesdays from 12pm – 1:30pm on the following dates: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 9, and April 13. Cohort II meets Tuesdays from 11am – 12:30pm on the following dates: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 8, and April 12. Both cohorts meet in Shumaker Research Building (SRB) 228. For more information, email Prof. Thomas Wayne Edison .

Reminder about Filing Charges of Academic Dishonesty
You should prepare a letter outlining the offense, how it was detected, the penalty you are imposing, and a statement reminding the student that they have the right to appeal. The letter should be addressed to Dean Leonard and sent to Bret Hirsch or via campus mail (A&S Advising, Gardiner Hall). The student should also be copied so that they are aware of the charges being reported. Please include any documentation you have to support your findings, as well as a copy of your course syllabus. Once this is received, Bret will notify you once filed. If your reported offense is a first violation for the student, the student receives a letter acknowledging the violation, but no further action is taken. The Academic Discipline & Grievance Committee only reviews cases of second offenses, instances of falsifying documents, if the student appeals the charge, or in the case that the instructor requests it in their letter to the Dean.

It is important that any instances of academic misconduct be reported so that a file is created and students can continually be held accountable for their actions should they continue to violate the policy. Please do not hesitate to contact Bret Hirsch should you have any questions or concerns.

2016 Celebration of Teaching & Learning Feb. 12
Register now to attend the 2016 Celebration of Teaching and Learning, which will be held on Friday, Feb. 12, from 9 am – 4 pm at Shelby Campus in the Founders Union Building. This free one-day professional development conference for UofL teachers attracts hundreds of attendees annually. Dr. Jose Antonio Bowen, president of Goucher College and author of Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning, is the keynote speaker. Learn more and register at 2016 Celebration of Teaching and Learning.

University Writing Center resources available
The writing center serves all UofL faculty, staff, and students. Their individual consultations provide feedback on any type of writing at any point in the writing process. They are also available to visit classes or meetings for a quick introduction to their services or customized workshop. Visit the website to schedule appointments, browse resources, and request class visits.

Research instruction available at Ekstrom Library
Do your students struggle to find credible, peer-reviewed articles? Do they rely solely on basic Google searches for sources? Consider bringing your class to the library for research instruction. We will work with you to develop an instruction session tailored to your assignment. For more info, contact Rob Detmering at 852-8738.


Olorunsola Award for full-time, tenure-track assistant professors in A&S

A&S is soliciting applications for the Victor Olorunsola Endowed Research Award, which is awarded to faculty in their first four years of teaching. One award of $2,000 will be made this year. The deadline for applications is March 11, 2016. Guidelines and additional information.

A&S Research and Creative Activity Grant for Tenured or Tenure-track Faculty
A&S announces funding opportunities to promote research and creative activities of faculty members with the purpose of increasing the extramural research funding, and the number of scholarly publications, refereed exhibits, and artistic performances of the college. The deadline for submissions is March 11, 2016. Guidelines and proposal template.

A&S Research and Creative Activity Grant for Graduate Students
A&S announces funding opportunities to promote research and creative activities of Graduate Students with the purpose of increasing the extramural research funding, the number of scholarly publications, refereed exhibits, and artistic performances of the college. The deadline for submissions is 4:00 PM on March 25, 2016. Guidelines and proposal template.

Publications & Presentations

Prof. Elpidorou presents at Creative Mornings

Prof. Andreas Elpidorou (Philosophy) on the topic of boredom and time at Creative Mornings, an online breakfast lecture series for the creative community.

Learning from Experiences: An Analysis of Housing Challenges in Louisville Metro – Profs. Lauren Heberle (Sociology) and Cate Fosl (Women’s & Gender Studies), and Ph.D. candidate Telesphore Kagaba (Sociology)
On December 18, Louisville Metro government released a new research report, Learning from Experiences: An Analysis of Housing Challenges in Louisville Metro. The lead researchers and authors were assisted by community partner, the Metropolitan Housing Coalition. A grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development facilitated the research, which consisted of focus groups with local members of the protected classes under fair housing law and a community data profile based on their experiences.

Kudos & Congratulations

Fine Arts Profs. Priest and Singel receive EVPRI grants

Prof. Mark Priest and Prof. Rachel Singel (Fine Arts) received maximum funding from EVPRI for their projects. Prof. Priest received the EVPRI Internal Research Grant R-I for his proposal entitled, “The Cultural Diaspora of Africans and Resulting Cultural Differences and Similarities Amongst African-Americans and Africans,” and Prof. Singel received the EVPRI Internal Research Grant R-I for her proposal entitled, “The Art and Architecture of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice, Italy.”

Prof. Baron Kelly wins fourth Fulbright
Prof. Kelly has been granted his second Fulbright Specialist award, which will take him to Nigeria. In the summer of 2011, a Fulbright Specialist grant took him to Chia, Taiwan, where he did curriculum development consulting on dramatic literature with the Department of Foreign Languages at Chung Cheng University. Additionally, Kelly has had two Fulbright Research awards, including one in 2008, in which he spent 8 months in Norway at the University of Bergen doing immigration research projects on multiculturalism. In 2001, he spent nine months on a Fulbright Research grant involving research on Scandinavian theatre.

Items of Note

Gift funds new physics classroom

With generous donations received from Mr. Samuel L. Lord, the Department of Physics and Astronomy unveiled a Technology-Enabled Active-Learning (TEAL) classroom on Jan. 6, in honor of his brother Mr. Nathan Macauley Lord. Designed as a classroom for engaged learning, this classroom has all the features of a flipped classroom and more, integrating the lab experience with lectures and facilitating chat room discussions, remote tutoring, etc. The hardware installed in the room includes 18 Mac minis, two smart projectors, two video cameras, two TV screens, and a central content capturing and sharing system that shares video signals to/from several devices. View photographs from the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In the News

Clarksville's 2015 comprehensive plan takes off
(The News & Tribune, 1/5/2016) – Throughout the fall 2015 semester, students in a University of Louisville Land Use Planning course in the Department of Urban Affairs conducted in-depth research on the existing conditions and past 15-year trends of Clarksville.

UofL Yearlings Series Announces Programs(The Courier-Journal, 1/6/2016)

Crashes on Kentucky roads climbing to 10-year highs, data shows (WDRB, 12/11/2015) – Prof. Frank Goetzke (Urban & Public Affairs) on the increase in automobile crashes during the holidays.

Did You Know?

The College of Arts & Sciences has 46,000 living alumni, and 53% are living in the Louisville area.