A&S Planning and Budget Commmittee Minutes Sept 10 2002

Minutes: A&S Planning and Budget Commmittee

September 10, 2002


Members present: Julia Dietrich (ex officio); Susan Dewitt (A&S; Staff Representative); Thomas Riedel, co-chair; Nancy Theriot, co-chair; Carol Mattingly; Nat Schwartz, Ying Kit Chan

Guests: Dean Brennan

Dean Brennan spoke to the committee about the recent meetings of deans and vice-presidents to discuss the budget. No new information about the size of the upcoming budget cuts came out of the meetings. However, the Dean did say that the A&S; budget cut will be based only on continuing state appropriations to the College, which is the most favorable way to calculate the total budget from the College's perspective. The Dean also reported that the budget crisis could lead to a long-term positive outcome for the College, in that the upper administration, prompted by the success of the A&S; enrollment initiative this fall, seems newly willing to look closely at the relationship between enrollment unit and revenue. Since A&S; produces the most tuition revenue and also provides "free" courses to other units, a closer look at this tuition/enrollment relationship could result in a change in allocations from central administration. As soon as he has more information about the A&S; share of the budget cut, the Dean will meet again with the committee.

The Dean instructed the committee to continue working on how to prioritize spending in the College. He asked that the documents shared with the committee be kept confidential.

After the Dean left, the committee proceeded with its business.

The minutes of 8/20 were approved.

Nancy distributed copies of data on teaching loads, service, and x-pay prepared by the Dean's Office at the request of the committee. Nancy will mail committee members data on courses taught by part-time lecturers, which the committee also requested from the Dean's Office. We agreed to look at the teaching load data with two things in mind: 1) are there any general recommendations we want to make regarding the data and the budget? 2) do we want to make a recommendation to departments about expectations surrounding service and teaching loads? We also agreed to look at the part-time lecturer data in relationship to the changes in general education to see if we can recommend savings on PTLs.

The next meeting will be October 8, noon, in Gardiner 331 (WS conference room).

Minutes prepared by Nancy Theriot.