Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes 9-20-13

Minutes of the September 20, 2013 Faculty Assembly of the College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences
Faculty Assembly
September 20, 2013

Registering Attendance:

Professor Byers, Chair, called the Assembly to order.

The Chair noted with sadness the recent death of Professor Emeritus Leonard Curry, of the Department of History, remarking on Professor Curry’s role as a champion of faculty governance.
The minutes of the Assembly of April 19, 2013, were approved as distributed.

The Chair recognized Professor Gregg, Chair of the Personnel Committee, who presented a document explaining what the committee would see from the newly instituted student course evaluations.

Discussion included Professors Leung, Byers, Morrison, Biberman, Cooper, and Wise.

Two clarifications were made regarding the inclusion of the student comment section of the evaluation:
(1)    Comments must be submitted from all courses, if comments are submitted from any course; and
(2)    Departments have the authority, as they have had in the past, to require the inclusion of the comment sheets.

Hearing no challenge to the committee report, the Chair declared that the document had been accepted by the Assembly.

The Chair proposed that the Assembly move to Committee of the Whole for the discussion of the 21st Century Initiative report.  Professor Cooper so moved and the motion was seconded.  The motion to move to Committee of the Whole carried.

The Committee of the Whole discussed concerns with both process and content of the 21st Century Initiative Report.

The Assembly rose from Committee of the Whole.

The Chair recognized Professor Brown who moved that the Assembly form a committee to respond to the 21st Century Initiative Report.

Discussion ensued as to the composition of the committee.  Discussion included Professors Brown, Vandenbroucke, Pfeffer, K’Meyer, Kopelson, Gibson, Riedel, Cooper, Kolers, Jaffe, Wise, and Biberman.
It was variously proposed that the committee be formed of volunteers;  of department chairs;  of department chairs and any  other persons whom they wished to appoint;  of the elected A&S Faculty Senators; of  two elected representatives of each division, plus one chair from each division; and of department chairs or their designees.   

The amended motion that the Assembly form a committee, composed of department chairs or their designees, to respond to the 21st Century Initiative Report  carried.

The Assembly adjourned.
