Minutes 10-25-13

College of Arts and Sciences
Curriculum Committee
October 25, 2013

Members present: J. Li, R. Roebuck (Chair), M. Rohmann, R. Taylor, C. Tillquist, W. Yoder, C. Zhang

Members absent: H. Gutierrez, J. Kettle (A&S Student Council)

Guests: L. Best (PAS), R. Buchanan (CML/LALS)

The minutes of the meeting of October 11 were approved as distributed.

The following course actions were approved, effective Summer 2014.  [Courses submitted for General Education requirements must also be approved by the university-wide General Education Course Committee.]

LALS 200:  Exploring Latin America (new course; H and CD1 GenEd credit).  This course will be added to
the LALS options  under the Humanities area in the LALS  B.A. and minor.

Final action was deferred on the following for receipt of additional materials or discussion with the department:
PAS 517:  Music of the Black Church (new course)—correspondence with School of Music
PAS 409:  Pan African Studies Capstone Seminar (new course; CUE designation)—CUE cover sheet
PAS 317 /HUM 377:  African American Religion (CD 1 GenEd credit)—revised syllabus
PAS /HUM 349:  African Americans and Islam (CD1 GenEd credit)—revised syllabus
HIST 401:  Cooperative Internship (CUE designation)—discussion with department
