A&S; Curriculum Committee Minutes, 3/8/99


MARCH 8, 1999

Members Present: R. Baldwin, J. Hart, T. Mackey, S. Maloney (Chair), M. Rohmann, R. Sahoo, M. Stenger, R. Taylor

Guests: M. Cunningham (Psychology)

Professor Maloney called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

The minutes of the meeting of February 8, 1999, were approved as distributed.

PAS 561: Africa: Environment and Resources (previously approved but not yet submitted for the inventory) was re-numbered as PAS 386, at the request of the department.

GEOG 314: Africa: Environment and Resources was approved and cross-listed with PAS 386.

PSYC 343: Introduction to Neuroscience was approved.

PSYC 531: Sensation and Perception - title and description change approved.

The proposed title of PSYC 472 was changed to Social Psychology Methodology and the course was approved.

PSYC 473: Close Relationships was approved as a new course.

Changes to the M.A. in History were approved. The language requirement for the M.A. was abolished and areas of concentration were changed from US History, Ancient/Medieval History, and Early Modern/Modern European History to Greater Atlantic World (including Europe, Africa, and the Americas), Greater Mediterranean Basin (including Europe, Africa, and the Middle East), Asia-Pacific Rim (including South Asia, East Asia, Pacific, and the Americas), and Western Pacific and Indian Ocean World (including East Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East).

Professor Maloney was recorded as voting against the deletion of the language requirement.

ARTH 641: Theory and Practice of African-American Art was tabled, pending receipt of additional information from the department.

The committee discussed the Biology Department's proposed criteria for acceptance into the major. Some concern was expressed about their complexity. Action was deferred until a departmental representative could be present for discussion.

The committee reviewed the report on the academic performance of students admitted conditionally in 98F. Concern was expressed about the percentage of the freshman class admitted in conditional status and the percentage of conditional students earning less than a 2.0 in their first semester.

The committee discussed at some length the definition of "academic in nature" for transfer equivalency purposes and will continue that discussion at a later meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm.