How to Improve Your GPA

How to Improve Your GPA
  1. Make attending your classes your highest priority.  Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between attendance and grades.
  2. Take a lighter course load, balancing difficult and easier courses.  Slow down and aim for good grades.
  3. Meet with your academic advisor or faculty advisor every semester.  Make an appointment to discuss your concerns and to develop an action plan for academic success.
  4. Consider repeating a course.  You may repeat a course in which you received a grade of F, "D", C. You may repeat a maximum of four (4) such courses for which only the last grade attained will be calculated in the grade point standing. A course in which the grade was D or C may be repeated only one.  Come in to see your advisor if you have any questions about which classes in your schedule are eligible and to complete the Permit to Repeat Form.
  5. If you are having difficulty with a course, speak with the professor about what you can do to improve your grade.  Ask how you can better study, what material you should be paying more attention to and whether extra-credit assignments are available.  Professors are a valuable resource!

Get help with tutoring at the REACH (Resources for Academic Achievement) in Strickler Hall 126 (contact them at 852-6706 or

If you require more information about your academic standing, please contact the Center for Advising and Student Services at 852-5502.